Three Mongolians were arrested in May for withdrawing money from accounts in a German bank by use of
forged electronic cards. Police think further investigations could increase the
theft to be more than the bank’s oroginal charge of MNT15 million, according to
the Chief of the Media Staff of General Police Department, T.Sainjargal.
The bank in Germany detected the loss in April and found that the money had
been withdrawn in Mongolia, though the account
holders had never been there. It contacted the police of Mongolia and the
economic crimes department of the State Investigation Agency finally arrested
the three on May 20. They were found in possession of 20 false ID cards, bank
cards and electronic devices, all of which the police confiscated.
sentenced to 15 years in prison. They are all from well-to-do families. One of
them lived in Germnany for 12 years and went to secondary school there, while another
had lived in Ireland for six years. The last one is 25 and studied in Finance
and Economics Institute in Mongolia.