Цар тахлын омикрон хувилбарын халдвар тархах эрсдлийг үл хайхран олон улсад 2022 оныг угтах шинэ жилийн баярыг хөл хөөртэй тэмдэглэлээ. Цар тахлын халдвараас сэргийлэх зорилгоор ОХУ-ын нийслэл Москва хотын Улаан талбайг оройн 17:00 цагаас хойш хааснаар энэ жил эл хульхан байв. Харин Дубайд орших дэлхийн хамгийн өндөр цамхаг Бурж Халифагаас уламжлалт ёслолын буудлагыг буудуулав.
Үүний зэрэгцээ цар тахлын халдвар дотооддоо алдаагүй гэх Хойд Солонгосын нийслэл Пёньянд олон мянган хүн төв талбайдаа цуглан шинэ оноо угтав. Хөрш Хятадад он солигдох баярыг энэ жил цар тахлын халдвар тархахаас сэргийлэн даруухан тэмдэглэжээ.
Шинэ Зеландад удаан үргэлжилсэн хөл хорио суларснаар Оклэнд хотод хүмүүс олноороо цуглан ёслолын буудлага үзэв. Австралийн Сидней хотноо уламжлалт ёслолын буудлага болсон ба Японы Токио хотноо цар тахлаар амь үрэгдэгсдийн төлөө зул асаажээ. Өмнөд Солонгост хоёр дахь жилдээ он солигдох мөчид хонх цохих уламжлалыг цуцалсан аж.
![In Dubai, the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building was illuminated by fireworks marking the start of 2022](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/20/52421297-10358135-image-a-24_1640983770700.jpg)
![The firework display lasted several minutes, lighting up several landmarks across the city](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/20/52421299-10358135-image-a-29_1640983890665.jpg)
![AUSTRALIA: New Year's Eve fireworks erupt over Sydney's iconic Harbour Bridge and Opera House on the stroke of midnight to mark the arrival of 2022](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/13/52408127-10358135-image-a-20_1640956264331.jpg)
Хойд Солонгос
![CHINA: In Beijing, a child wearing a face mask stands in front of a 2022 sign as countries around the world mark the new year](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/11/52404337-10358135-image-a-66_1640948750005.jpg)
![AUSTRALIA: In Melbourne, signs informed masked partygoers that no fireworks would be taking place due to the Covid restrictions](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/13/52407805-10358135-image-a-10_1640955824653.jpg)
![NEW YORK: The Waterford Crystal Installation is illuminated during a test run at Times Square ahead of the celebrations](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/12/52401249-10358135-NEW_YORK_The_Waterford_Crystal_Installation_is_illuminated_durin-a-4_1640955513935.jpg)
![AUSTRALIA: Millions around the globe will be celebrating, with Sydney the first city to hold a major fireworks display](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/13/52408207-10358567-image-a-9_1640956427839.jpg)
![TOKYO: 6,500 candles were lit at a ceremony to wish for good luck in 2022 and the end of the coronavirus pandemic](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/16/52412765-10358135-image-a-47_1640969124106.jpg)
![AUSTRALIA: Sydney's famous harbour was awash with colour in a stunning display during the much-anticipated midnight fireworks display](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/14/52403603-10358135-Sydney_s_famous_harbour_was_awash_with_colour_in_a_stunning_prev-a-6_1640960253020.jpg)
![CHINA: Harbin Ice-Snow World in north-eastern China was illuminated with bright colours as part of the New Year's Eve celebrations](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/16/52413775-10358135-image-m-42_1640968549664.jpg)
![THAILAND: Devotees lay down in coffins during a resurrection ceremony to cleanse themselves of bad karma at the end of the year](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/09/52402611-10358135-image-a-29_1640944189918.jpg)
![CHINA: Kindergarten children hold Chinese character 'Fu', meaning 'good luck', to welcome the New Year during a day of muted celebrations](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/09/52402659-10358135-image-a-32_1640944282550.jpg)
![NORTH KOREA: Fireworks and a light display illuminated the skies above Pyongyang](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/16/52412849-10358135-image-a-49_1640969251766.jpg)
![RUSSIA: In Moscow, a Christmas tree was decorates with lights and baubles overhanging the Manezhnaya Square during the celebations](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/12/31/14/52409729-10358135-image-a-8_1640960690724.jpg)