News.MN - The source of news

Support for gold mining companies

In 2014 Mongolian gold mining companies planned to extract 7.1 tons of gold; they produced significantly more – 11.4 tons. The Bank of Mongolia bought a total of 920 kilograms of gold last year. This year, the companies are planning

Speaker orders Recall of Mongolian Parliament

Yesterday (28th July), Parliamentary Speaker Z.Enkhbold issued the order for a short mid-recess recall of Parliament. According to the order (No.156), the recall will start at 09:30 am on 3rd of August and will last until the 14th. The following

Flood Danger

According to a report on 25th July, the water level of some Mongolian rivers is dangerously high. Top of the list is the confluence of the River Orkhon and the Selenge, where the level of the former has increased by

“Monu Art Crew” improves city image

“Monu Art Crew” introduced their first creation to improve the image of the Mongolian capital yesterday (27th July). The five young members of the “crew” re-designed the old fountain in central Ulaanbaatar behind the “Ard Cinema”. This was done with

State Property – for sale

Under the“Guidelines of the State Properties Privatization” (approved by Mongolian Parliamentary Decision 70) some stocks of the following legal bodies will be exchanged via Mongolian Stock Market.

4th Power Station (state property stock company)

3rd Power Station (state property stock company)

2nd Power

21 new coal Mongolian projects

Currently 21 coal projects are planned for Mongolia, including: 6 projects are for the coal gasification and dilution; 7 for the coal cracking, 8 for the semi-coke coal and improved fuels. Two companies: “Baganuur Energy Corporation LLC” and “Mongolian Gold”

Oyu Tolgoi LLC – provides investment data

Since 2010, Oyu Tolgoi LLC has spent a considerable amount on national procurement. The company reports that the total is MNT 4.97 billion, most of which was spent on domestic suppliers. The report notes that 76% (MNT 3.77 billion) was

Mongolian team does well in Asian Cycling Championship

The Asian Cycling Championship has just taken place in South Korea. During the five-day event (22nd-26th July), a total of 77 cyclists in eight teams from five countries participated in three kinds of events. Countries taking part included South and

Hungarian National Assembly Visit

Representatives of the Hungarian National Assembly, headed by Chairman Dr.Janos Latortsai and other officials, are visiting Mongolia from 28th July-1st August. During this official visit, Parliamentary Speaker Z.Enkhbold and MP J.Batzandan, who is also leader of the “Mongolian Hungarian Parliamentary
