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Winter festivals in Mongolia in February

With the weather set to be stable next month, we’ve compiled information on local, national, and international festivals you can visit over the weekend in Mongolia.

Mongolia’s largest poetry festival

The country’s most important poetry festival – the ‘Bolor Tsom’ (Golden Goblet) – will take place at the Borjigin Theatre in Gobisumber Province on 5 January. This year, poets from the Russian Republics of Kalmykia, Buryatia and Tuva, as well

Mongolia approves MNT 66 billion for fighting air-pollution

Mongolia has been struggling with severe air pollution in the capital Ulaanbaatar, where an influx of out-of-work herders migrating from the countryside has seen the population double in less than two decades. The government has offered subsidies for more-efficient wood-

Tax exemption on wood and timber item imports into Mongolia

All types of imported fuel wood, oriented standard boards (OSB) and wooden building materials with the exception of logs, have been exempted from customs duties from 1 January, 2019.

The Mongolian Government approved the Law on Customs Duty Exemption on 10

Mongolian Fitness and Sports Clubs to be discounted

It has been announced that Mongolian fitness and sports clubs are to be discounted for payers of health insurance from 1 January 2019; however this has still to be implemented.

The Mongolian Government has approved MNT 2 billion for supporting sports

New App for booking train tickets

If you are travelling to Mongolia, you can now book your train tickets by simply using a mobile application. ‘UBTZ ticket’, an app for iOS and Android systems, was launched by Ulaanbaatar Railway Joint Venture Company.

The number of tickets booked

Bank of Mongolia reaches gold purchase goal

Mongol Bank, or the Bank of Mongolia (BoM), purchased a total of 22 tons of gold from legal entities and individuals in 2018 – up 9.5 percent on the previous year. This means that the bank almost reached its goal.

Renewable energy in Mongolia on the rise

The percent of renewable energy in Mongolia reached a record high in 2018 rising to 16 percent of total electricity production

A solar power plant with a capacity of 15 megawatts (MW) opened in late June in Zamiin-Uud soum in Mongolia’s

Mongolia’s meat export reaches 20-year high

Mongolia exported 54,900 tons of meat and meat products in 2018 – a 20-year high.

According to the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, the goal set in the Mongolian government’s action plan (2016-2020) has been fulfilled.

Animal husbandry is one
