News.MN - The source of news

Child-abuse in Mongolia: life imprisonment?

Women members in the Mongolian parliament are working on amendments to the Law of Criminal Procedure. According to MP D.Oyunkhorol and M.Bilegt, the amendment will tighten punishment for child abusers; including life imprisonment for child molestation and rape. Furthermore, those

World Press Freedom Day in Mongolia

Earlier today, 3 May, a national forum on independent journalism, dedicated to World Press Freedom Day was held. The forum, which is an annual event was held at Ulaanbaatar’s Central Palace of Cultural. A message to the journalists from President

Uka and her symphony orchestra plan

Mongolian pop singer D.Ulambayar better known by her stage name of ‘Uka’ performed at the Cinema Awards-2019, which was part of ‘Hollywood in Mongolia’ international film festival. The event was held in Shangri-La Hotel in Ulaanbaatar on 2 May.

Singer Uka

Protecting Mongolia’s child jockeys

Mongolia is the birthplace of Genghis Khan, who founded the largest land empire the world has seen – however, this achievement would have been impossible without the Mongolian horse; the khan’s armies thundered across Asia on their horses as far

Days of National Language and Script

The Days of National Language and Script will be marked in Mongolia from 3-8 May with the aim of promoting Mongolian national script. The event has been held on the first Sunday of every May, and proudly celebrated since 2005.


New Natural History Museum to be built at Ikh Tenger

The Mongolian Cabinet decided on Wednesday 1 May to rebuild the Natural History Museum in the Ikh Tenger area of Ulaanbaatar. Various officials have been tasked with overseeing the legal agreements regarding the land.  Ikh Tenger, meaning ‘Great Sky’ in

Rugby taking off in Mongolia

Mongolia is a country rich in heritage, shaped by centuries of complex cultural influences. As such, it’s a significant challenge for any western sport to claim the limelight from the nation’s old nomadic pastimes.

But at the Chingisiin Huree camp south
