News.MN - The source of news

Tokyo ward woos Mongolian tech school graduates

A recruitment event for the graduates of a Japanese-style technical college was held in Mongolia. It’s part of a bid to tackle an acute shortage of engineers in Japan’s manufacturing sector.

Tokyo’s Shinagawa Ward had earlier invited students of the Mongolian

Mongolia’s Innovation Week starts

‘Innovation Week’ has been launched in Ulaanbaatar to promote creativity in the public and private sectors.

The week under the theme of “Joint Innovation” is being co-organised by the Mongolian Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports, the Mongolian Academy of

See the ‘Hu’ live in UB

Internationally recognized Mongolian rock band the ‘Hu’ will give concerts in Ulaanbaatar on 23- 24 May just before they begin their European tour. These will take place at the White Rock Centre at 7.00 p.m. Tickets are available online (

60,000 Mongolians employed in small-scale gold mining

With twenty per cent of the world’s gold supply produced by artisanal and small-scale miners, urgent action is needed to reduce the environmental impact of the sector, as well as to protect the health and wellbeing of the millions of

Russian plane delivers Mongolian humanitarian aid to Syria

A Russian plane has delivered 8 tonnes of humanitarian aid from Mongolia to the Khmeimim Air Base in Syria. The announcement was made to reporters by Sergei Smolinsky, a representative of the Russian Centre for the Reconciliation of the warring

Mongolian Nomads in 2019 Nat Geo’s Travel Photo Contest

The judges of the 2019 National Geographic Travel Photo Contest must have furrowed brows. This sneak peek also includes a striking portrait of a Mongolian nomad dressed in traditional garb. Alessandra Meniconzi took this striking portrait of a nomad while

Mongolian and Korean doctors conduct unique surgery

For the first time in Mongolia, doctors have performed liver transplant surgery from a different blood-group donor. The operation was undertaken by doctors from the First Central Hospital of Mongolia in cooperation with specialists from South Korea’s Asan Hospital. During

Forbes Mongolia Awards 2019

‘Forbes’, the leading international business magazine, has been published officially in Mongolia since 2012. This year, the magazine organised the ‘Forbes Mongolia Awards 2019’ aimed at awarding the best entrepreneurs in the Mongolian business sector. The awards ceremony was held

‘Mongolian Connection’ premiered in Kazakhstan

‘The Mongolian Connection’, a crime-action film about the Mongolian and American police was premiered on 2 May in Kazakhstan. The film stars artists from eight countries, namely: the USA, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Germany, the UK, Australia and Canada. In all,
