News.MN - The source of news

Mongolia approves Hakuho’s denaturalization

Sumo Yokozuna grand champion Hakuho says authorities in his home country Mongolia have agreed to him renouncing his Mongolian nationality, so that he can become a Japanese citizen.

Hakuho, who has won a record 42 grand sumo tournaments, hopes to become

‘Penguin Random House’ to print a book about Mongolian President

‘Penguin Random House’, the world’s leading book publisher has signed an agreement with Mongolian author D.Turmunkh to print his two books; namely, the ‘Sankara’ book of essays and the ‘President Battulga whom I know’ in English and Chinese. The Singapore-based

Mongolia must bolster fiscal institutions! says World Bank report

A new World Bank report on Mongolia revenue, public sector spending and financial institutions has been released. In a press release, the WB stressed the importance of growth without excessive borrowing and the need to strengthen the country’s fiscal foundations.

Mongolian Cuckoo Project

The Mongolia Cuckoo Project has started with aims to discover more about the wintering grounds and migration routes of cuckoos in East Asia, as well as engaging the public through naming and following the birds. The projects is carried on

#Pray4Dulguun: Mongolian basketball player in coma in USA

Top player of the Mongolian National Basketball Team, O.Dulguun is in a serious condition at the UCSF Medical Center after having been infected with the varicella virus. According to one source, O.Dulguun was diagnosed with a liver coma and B

Foundation for supporting Mongolia’s Olympic athletes

Mongolia has established a foundation to provide financial assistance to athletes.

Mongolian Prime Minister U.Khurelsukh said: ‘The new foundation will provide financial support to the athletes during an event dedicated to Olympic Day (23 June). The foundation called the “Tokyo Olympics

Specific procurement notice (SPN)

The United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) and the Government of Mongolia (the “Government”) have entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in

Secretary General of OSCE visits Mongolia

Secretary General of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Thomas Greminger is currently visiting Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia, from 20-22 June.

Secretary General Thomas Greminger has planned to meet with Chief of Staff of Office of the
