News.MN - The source of news

FIBA praises Mongolia as Most Improved Nation

The Mongolian National Team won the 3×3 Most Improved Nation award, taking the first place with the highest number of ranking points gained during the period of 2017 to 2019. The award was presented at the XXI FIBA World Congress

Mongolian vets to study in Germany

Mongolian veterinary specialists will be able to participate in advanced training in the Federal Republic of Germany. The issue was discussed at a meeting between Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry Ch.Ulaan and Parliamentary State Secretary of Germany’s Federal

Paris Street in Ulaanbaatar?

Ulaanbaatar City Mayor S.Amarsaikhan has presented a proposal to the Citizen’s Representative Council to re-name one of the city’s streets after the French capital Paris. The 1235 meters-long street from Peace Avenue along west bank of the Selbe River to

Gold Purchase Decline

The Mongolian Central Bank bought a total of 9.6 tons of gold from legal entities and individuals in first eight months of 2019; this represents a decrease of 2.5 tons or 21 percent on the previous reporting period.

The Bank of

“Fresh Air – Car Free Day” in UB

Another “Fresh Air – Car Free Day” is being planned for the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar. It is well known that the city is one of most air-polluted capitals of the world. The source of the problem is caused by the

Tomb of Mongolian ‘Mulan’ discovered

The tomb of a  Mongol ‘woman warrior’ has been discovered in Khuvsgul Province. In an archaeological dig, not far from the Russian border, involving specialists from the Irkutsk Technical University the remains of a woman who was 30 to 40

Documentary series about Khalkhin Gol

Mongolian National Broadcaster (MNB) in cooperation with Russia’s Zvezda TV has produced a documentary series about the Khalkhin Gol Battle for the 80th anniversary of the historical event.

The four-part documentary will mirror the real-life events of the bloody series of

Mongolian Steppe Marathon

Mongolia will host an international marathon at Khui Doloon Khudag, located close to the capital, Ulaanbaatar, on 8 September. Entitled “Mongolian Steppe”, the event will be co-organised by the Athletic Federation of Mongolia.

The marathon will be held in three categories,
