News.MN - The source of news

UB’s road tax to increase by five times

The Ulaanbaatar city administration has passed a decree to increase the annual road tax by five times from 1 January, 2020. This has come as a result of the increase in the number of vehicles; in 2018 it reached 850

Corruption in Mongolia: what the public thinks?

Mongolia has long been associated with corruption in political and judicial circles. How accurate is this opinion?

According to a survey conducted by the Sant-Maral Foundation in cooperation with the Asian Foundation, 93.6 percent of respondents consider corruption is very widespread

Mental health checks for future Mongolian MP

Mongolian Cabinet members have added a new requirement to the Election Law – namely examining the mental health of the prospective parliamentary candidates. According to our sources, candidates must submit a test report on their mental health after have been

Workplace discrimination against Mongolian women

Since its ‘Democratic Revolution’ two decades ago, Mongolia has progressed dramatically. Yet, how modern is Mongolia exactly?

Statistical data indicates that much still needs to be done regarding women’s rights in the workplace. Society demands women work like just like men,

Children caught driving in Mongolian capital

Five children aged between 10 and 15 have been caught while driving a car in the centre of Ulaanbaatar. The incident took place earlier today (5 December). The police seized the car and arrested them.

Ice Challenge Mongolia!

The Karakorum Ice Festival and Climbing Championship is to be held at the Orkhon Waterfall in Bat-Ulzii Soum of Mongolia’s Uvurkhangai Province this weekend. The competition is co-organized by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, the Governor’s Office of Uvurkhangai

Mongolian ‘People’s Son’ wins against Hong Kong champion

Mongolian MMA fighter O.Purev better known for the nickname ‘People’s Son’ has held an epic battle against Taeho Bak from Just MMA Federation. The match was held in Singapore as part of the One Warrior Series 9 competition. O.Purev champion

Mongolian entrepreneurs attend business forum in Russia

More than 50 entrepreneurs from export companies are taking part in the ‘Mongolia-Russia’ business forum in Moscow.  During the event, the two sides have signed many cooperation documents. U.Khurelsukh, Prime Minister of Mongolia also addressed the business forum.

In collaboration with

Russia to help with Mongolian coal export railway

Russian Railways subsidiary RZD International is to provide technical assistance for the development of a 414 km rail link to the Tavan Tolgoi coalfield, following the signing of a co-operation agreement in Ulaanbaatar on 3 December.

Intended to carry up to

Mongol Bank buys gold to raise foreign exchange reserves

The Central Bank of Mongolia or Mongol Bank bought a total of 14.4 tonnes of gold from legal entities and individuals in the first 11 months of this year. As of November, the bank’s average gold purchase price was MNT
