News.MN - The source of news

Mongolia’s first playground for children with disabilities

There are 105,730 people with disabilities living in Mongolia; 35589 are in Ulaanbaatar. Like everyone else, they have the right to work, being happy and to pursue their dreams. However, the social welfare system, facilities and environment designed especially for

Despite no cases, Mongolians prep for battle against COVID-19

Mongolian Foreign Minister D.Tsogtbaatar told Xinhua in a recent interview that China has taken “highly organized measures” to contain the COVID-19 outbreak.
Mongolians have donated cash and supplies to support their government’s efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus despite

Angry Mongolian farmers protest against Russian wheat imports

Earlier today (4 March), Mongolian farmers demonstrated outside the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry protesting against the government’s decision to import 160 thousand tonnes of wheat from Russia. Previously, the ministry had announced that Mongolia could fully meet

ADB to support Mongolian agricultural production

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved $40 million in loans to support the modernization of government-owned irrigation networks and vegetable production in Mongolia.

“The project will promote income and employment generation in rural areas,” said ADB Senior Natural Resources Economist

‘Build Mongolia 2020’ international expo postponed

The ‘Build Mongolia-2020’ international construction, mining, road and renewable energy expo has been suspended as a measure for preventing the spread of the coronavirus infection in Mongolia. The expo was scheduled to take place at the Buyant-Ukhaa Sport Complex on

USAID pledges funding to Mongolia for fighting Coronavirus

The U.S. Government announced today a commitment of $37 million in financing from the Emergency Reserve Fund for Contagious Infectious Diseases at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) for 25 countries affected by coronavirus (COVID-19) or countries at high

Mongolia leads quarterfinals at 2020 Bandy World Championship

Mongolian Men’s Bandy Team has qualified at the quarterfinal stage at the 2020 Bandy World Championship after defeating all its components. The competition is being held in the Russian city of Irkutsk, from 1-6 March.

Teams are divided into two divisions
