News.MN - The source of news

Erdenes TT coal exports – practically back to normal

State owned Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi is one of the most important companies in Mongolia. Recently, the enterprise came back to life, as some of the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic were lifted. Thus, between 1 and 12 April, it

Great Mongolian author dies aged 85

The famous Mongolian author L.Tudev, who was also a member of the World Literature Academy has died at the age of 85.  His first book “Hello, Dear Children!” was published 50 years ago. In 2005, he was named as one

Ulaanbaatar expecting its first rain upcoming days

Spring has arrived in Mongolia and daytime temperatures have already reached +20 Celsius. However, it has still not rained. For farmers and growers, this is a matter of concern. There is, however, good news: the Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology,

Central Bank of Mongolia offers repayment lifeline

The Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Mongolia  decided today (13 April) to cut its policy rates by one percentage point to 9 percent. In addition, the bank will postpone loan repayments for borrowers facing difficulties due to

Bonuses for Mongolians in the front line against COVID-19

Mongolia has decided to provide MNT 1.5 billion from the Government Reserve Fund for financing the overtime salaries of medical workers. For example, MNT 340 million will be provided to the National Centre for Communicative Diseases (NCCD) to cover overtime

Mongolia reports 17th case of coronavirus

Mongolian health officials reported today (13 April), the 17th confirmed case of COVID-19 after one of 20 people in isolation tested positive. The people in question, were isolated on 12 April after being brought back to Mongolia from abroad.

Separately, 74

EU and World Bank support Mongolia’s efforts against COVID-19

The European Union and the World Bank have decided to reprioritise the use of EUR 680,000 within the Strengthening Governance in Mongolia Project, funded by the European Union, to support the Government’s efforts to respond to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) emergency

WHO donates medical protection supplies to Mongolia

On Saturday (11 April), the World Health Organization (WHO) made a donation of medical protection supplies to Mongolia to help the country in its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sergey Diorditsa, the WHO country representative, handed over the supplies, including test

South Korean company to provide database solution to Mobicom

South Korea’s Altibase has signed a contract with MobiCom in order to provide its database solutions to the Mongolian telecommunications giant. The contract was signed in March 2020 with MobiCom in order to adopt Altibase’s 7.0 version for its mobile

Redevelopment of Gandan area

Rising magnificently above a sea of traditional gers (yurts) and small wooden houses the Gandantegchenling Monastery – known locally as the Gandan Hiid – is, perhaps the most impressive sight in the Mongolian capital. The monastery, is the most important
