News.MN - The source of news

Mongolians enjoying unusually warm April days

Today, (28 April), the daytime temperature is 22-24 Celsius in Ulaanbaatar, the capital city of Mongolia; at night it will will drop to 8-10 deg C.

According to the National Agency of Meteorology and the Environmental Monitoring, Mongolians will enjoy warmer

Mongolia’s Covid-19 testing reaches 10,000

As of today (28 April), Mongolia has reported 38 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 10 full recoveries. Currently, 759 people, who have had contact with Covid-19 carriers are under observation in isolation centres where 144 doctors and medical staffs are

Erdenes TT to distribute MNT 199 billion in dividends

‘Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi’ (ETT) held a press conference earlier today (27 April) regarding dividends from the revenue of 2019.

The mining giant will distribute dividends totaling MNT 199 billion 736 million to over 2.5 million Mongolian nationals who own 18.5 percent

Stuck in Australia: the HU apply to return home

Mongolian rock sensation the HU band is currently stranded in Australia due to the coronavirus pandemic. Fortunately, all members of the group are well. The band members have applied to the Mongolian Embassy in Australia to return home after having

Human chain formed to protect Ulaanbaatar from wildfire

Another serious wildfire has broken out in the mountains which rise just beyond the southern suburbs of the Mongolian capital.

The fire started on the west side of the sacred Bogd Khaan Mountian, next to the Zaisan suburb of Ulaanbaatar yesterday

Over 500 China-Europe freight trains pass through Mongolia

A total of 537 China-Europe freight trains passed through the Erenhot border crossing in North China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region as of Thursday this year, reported Chinese custom officials. The Erenhot-Zamin Uud crossing is the largest on the border between

Advanced battery energy storage system to be built in Mongolia

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a USD-100-million (EUR 92.5m) loan to support the installation of a 125-MW advanced battery energy storage system in Mongolia.

The project is calculated to cost USD 114.95 million in total. Of this amount, USD

World Bank approves USD 53 million to Mongolia

The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors have approved USD 53 million in financing for the Ulaanbaatar Heating Sector Improvement Project and additional financing for the Third Sustainable Livelihoods Project.

The USD 41 million Ulaanbaatar Heating Sector Improvement Project will finance
