News.MN - The source of news

Calling to herdsmen affected by zhud

Organizations such as Gandantegchenlin monastery, Mongolian wrestling federation, Mongolian Equestrian Association, Mongolian Archery Association and “Malchin” television are calling to herdsmen affected by zhud today (February, 21).

Magaljav Tserendashdorj, The head of Mongolian wrestling federation:

– Mongolian wrestling federation joins fundraising campaign

Joint stock companies will distribute 480 billion MNT dividends

Mongolian Financial Regulatory Commission has informed that totally 35 joint stock companies will distribute 480.24 billion MNT dividends to their shareholders this year.

According to Clause 46.5 of the Company Law, Board of Directors of joint stock company has to decide

16 dinosaur fossils were brought to Mongolia from US

16 fossils from 6 types of dinosaurs were brought from USA to Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar in February 16, 2024. According to the Law on the Protection of Cultural Heritage, those findings were handed over to the relevant organizations. Among those
