News.MN - The source of news

Khan Resources happy mining license suspension has been lifted

Khan Resources has announced that the legal counsel in Mongolia representing the joint venture company Central Asia Uranium Corporation Limited (CAUC) has said that a settlement has been reached with the Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia whereby the suspension of

Russian President’s special envoy pays a day’s visit

President Ts.Elbegdorj, Prime Minister S.Batbold and Deputy Speaker of Parliament N.Enkhbold separately received on Thursday A.V.Gordeev, Governor of Voronej Region of the Russian Federation and the Russian President”s special envoy in charge of promoting cooperation with Mongolia in trade, economic

MPs express concern about proposed privatization regulations

The draft protocol on privatization of state property between 2010 and 2012, discussed by Parliament on Thursday, says, according to Head of Government Office Ch.Khurelbaatar, that public companies and joint ventures based on Mongolian strategic deposits will be established and

Elbegdorj’s death penalty moratorium just a beginning

UN human rights chief Navi Pillay has hailed the move by President Ts. Elbegdorj to introduce a moratorium on the death penalty, saying that it sets a “leadership example in Asia”. Ms. Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,

Children did not have navel infection, hospital head dismissed

More information is now available about the “navel infection” among infants which has led to the First Maternity Hospital being closed for two weeks starting Wednesday. Specialists have reached a preliminary conclusion that the infection was not in the navel

Headless MPRP unable to take any decision

With its chairman S.Bayar unable to lead it with the required energy and vigor, having to spend time abroad for medical treatment, the MPRP is today a headless body. He took over as party head in late October 2007. He
