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Quiza: “I LOVE NEW UB”

гудамжаар нэг хог. Нэг нь цэвэрлээд, нөгөө нь хаяад л. Утаанбаатар,
хогонбаатар хэмээн нийслэл хотынхоо унаган нэрийг хичнээн янзаар
өөрчилж, хочлов доо. Албаны хүмүүс агаар цэвэршүүлэх төсөл боловсруулж,
ард иргэд нь нүүрсээ түлэн, хогоо хаясаар.
Бид эрүүл хотод, эрүүл орчинд
амьдрах эрхтэй хэмээн том

UNICEF provides essential supplies worth USD137,000 to children

UNICEF is collaborating with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (MECS) and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) in the on-going government relief efforts for populations living in dzud-affected rural areas. It has dispatched the first consignment of essential

Chinese ambassador attends meeting at Strategic Studies Institute

This year’s first guest at the Ambassador Hour program organized by the Strategic Studies Institute was the Chinese envoy, Yu Hongyao on February 25. The ambassador gave a thorough overview of the international situation, Chinese foreign policy and relations between

Fallen object to be used for research

D.Namsraijav, director of the General Emergency Authority, has said the metal object that fell from the sky in Buren soum, Tuv province on February 19 will be used for research. It weighs 70 kilograms and has been certified by experts

Official defends spending MNT 5.5 billion on removing carcasses

Defending the decision to spend MNT5.5 billion on removing carcasses of livestock that die in the dzud, D.Namsrai, Vice director of the General Emergency Authority, has clarified that the amount is an estimate made on the basis that the number

First general meeting of Democratic Force Union next week

The first general meeting of the Democratic Force Union, established early in January, will be held on March 10 in Government House. A preparatory working group led by MP Z.Enkhbold is busy making arrangements for more than 800 representatives of

U.S., Mongolia hold annual consultations

The United States and Mongolia held Annual Bilateral Consultations on February 26 in Washingtom. The ABC, which rotates annually between the two capitals, covers the broad range of activity between the two nations. Assistant Secretary for East Asian and Pacific

Mongolia assures supply to coal-hungry countries

Most countries at a recent coal market conference in Singapore talked about coal demand, given their rising power needs, while Mongolia was alone in saying its coal reserves of 162.3 billion tons would enable it to increase supply to the

Mongolia to take part in Shanghai Expo

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency have begun preparations for Mongolia”s participation in Expo-2010 in Shanghai from May 1 to October 31. So

K. Erdenbeleg keeps motocross title

Defending champion K. Erdenbeleg, known as  the “Mongolian Express”, fashioned out a come-from-behind win in the first heat and led from the start of the next to retain his title in the recent 2010 FIM Asian Motocross Series first leg
