News.MN - The source of news

Mongolians in Canada raise money for dzud relief

Mongolian residents in Calgary in Canada have raised MNT1 million to help dzud-affected herders. They handed over the money to Ambassador T. Zalaa-Uul when he visited them recently to discuss, among other things, extraction of natural resources in Mongolia, dual

Oyu Tolgoi LLC to meet material and service providers on March 12

Oyu Tolgoi LLC will be meeting with Mongolian suppliers and service providers, especially those already operating in Umnugobi aimag, on March 12 to provide information on its requirements for the Oyu Tolgoi project. The investment agreement stipulates that a fair

S.Ganbaatar explains agreement allowing citizens a role in decision making

A memorandum recently signed between the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Budget and the Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions (CMTU) is likely to have long-term and far-reaching significance, according to S.Ganbaatar, CMTU President. It allows direct popular involvement in debates

Tovshiir gold project to starts work on processing facility

Garrison International has resumed construction of a processing facility in its Tovshiir gold project in south-eastern Mongolia. Blair Krueger, President of Garrison, has said that “the financial crisis that significantly delayed” the work “is now behind the company”. Once the

Special tax being considered for living in Ulaanbaatar

Ulaanbaatar’s population has been growing by 30,000-40,000 a year ever since free migration was allowed a couple of decades ago. This not merely puts pressure on the city’s infrastructure, but also hampers development of the countryside.
Serious consideration is being given

Sale of meat stocked by state starts on Monday

Sale of meat from the State stock through seven companies will begin on March 15. Mayor G.Munkhbayar signed the necessary orders on Wednesday. No beef has been stocked this year, but 2,000 tons of mutton and 700 tons of goat

PM in Austria

Prime Minister S.Batbold began an official visit to Austria yesterday. His fiest meeting was with Antonio Maria Costa, head of the UN office in Vienna. Batbold recalled Mongolia’s fruitful membership of the UN for 50 years and thanked the world

Scream Awards 2009

Та бvхэнд Spike TV- ээс зохион явуулдаг Scream
Awards- 2009 шагнал гардуулах ёслолын vйл
ажиллагааг танилцуулж байна. Энэ жил уг ёслолын арга хэмжээ нь 2009 оны
10-р сарын 17-нд Лос-Анжелес хот дахь Greek Theatre-т болжээ. Scream
Awards-ийн зохион байгуулагчид нь

The Hangover (2009) DVDScr English. 1.27 GB

Warner Bros болон Legendary Pictures-ийн хамтын
бvтээл, 2009 оны 6-р сарын 5-нд нээлтээ хийсэн “The Hangover”
буюу “Шарталт” хэмээх инээдмийн адал явдалт киног
DVDScreen форматаар хvргэж байна. Кино маань нээлтээ хийснээсээ хойш
нийт 247,074,000$-ын ашиг олсон бєгєєд єнгєрсєн долоо хоногт
