Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
One of this year’s Fulbright scholarship recipients to work in Mongolia is Lynne Noble, a professor of early childhood education at Columbia College. She will teach educators and teacher candidates in Mongolia next year from February through June.
“For several years,
A Mongolian film, “The Two Horses of Genghis Khan” , will be shown at the 34th Cleveland International Film Festival, to run from March 18 through March 28. According to an organizer, speaking half in fun, “If there”s an overriding
The Mineral Wealth Council of Mongolia has approved the estimated reserve of 199.2 million tons of oil in the Toson Uul – XIX oil field in Tamsag basin of Dornod aimag. According to D.Amarsaikhan, Head of the Oil Authority of
Sprit Bal Buram has introduced dual filters with platinum and silver in its alcohol production. This use of most recent technology will help filter fluid with precision up to 0.01 mkm. The new filters have a capacity of 3000-4000 liters
Бөс бараа худалдаалдаг дэндүү энгийн дэлгүүрээс дэлхийн загварын ертөнцийг эзэгнэсэн өндөр зэрэглэлийн брэнд болон өргөжиж чадсан “Burberry”-гийн бүтээсэн цүнх, цув, ороолт болон шүхэр энэ цагийн загварын ертөнцөд толгой цохиж явна. Бор шаргал суурин дээрх хар, улаан, цагаан судал бүхий Шотланд
Asashoryu arrived yesterday wearing traditional Mongolian clothes. At a media conference, his spokesman announced that the yokozuna who retired last month would not take questions from Japanese journalists.
It is sad that you decided to leave sumo at the peak of
The Civil Movement, silent since July 1st, 2008, has become active again. Its leaders J.Batzandan and O.Magnai have established a Union of Civil Movements that held its first general meeting on Thursday, March 11, 2010. The organizers invited around 1000
Mongolian troops will set up a field military hospital at a UN military base in Darfur, Sudan, to provide second level medical services to roughly 5,000 people including soldiers, civil policemen and workers of international organizations.
Wednesday”s /March 10, 2010/ cabinet meeting approved a program to plant sea-buckthorn in 20,000 hectares of land, to prevent desertification, protect the soil and the environment and to provide people with nutrition. Other expected benefits include revenue from export and
Former President N.Enkhbayar has given a long interview to Zuunii Medee. A selection from the questions and answers follows.
Today you are “citizen” Enkhbayar, no longer in the government. Still you went to the help of herders as head of an