Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
T.Sainjargal, spokesman of General Police, has confirmed that last week’s raid on Metropolis night club leading to one man’s arrest was made after police had received information that drugs were sold and used there. He denied that all guests at
Parliament Speaker D.Demberel met World Bank Country Representative in Mongolia Arshad Sayed yesterday to discuss areas of cooperation. The Government needs money to meet the situation created by the dzud. The Speaker also felt that the stoppage of child money
MPRP Secretary General U.Khurelsukh answers questions on party chairman S.Bayar and developments in the party.
Is it true S.Bayar has decided to resign?
It is not. People who want him to resign spread these rumors. Bayar will come back this week and
D.Nyambat, the Inspector in the Serious Crimes Department who is in charge of investigating the case of former Government Secretary at the Ministry of Trade and Industry D.Surenkhor, answers questions on the case.
What exactly is the charge against Surenkhor?
The National Statistics Office has published social and economic data. All figures are for February alone or for the first two months in 2010 and, unless otherwise mentioned, all comparisons are with the corresponding period in 2009.
The consumer price index
The South Korean Government is expected to send as many as 100 retired or retiring local experts in water and sewage management, agriculture, engineering and other fields to 19 developing countries, including Mongolia, Cambodia, and Nepal. South Korea’s Foreign Ministry
The Mongolia youth badminton team was handed a 5-0 thrashing by Indonesia on the first day of the Asia Youth Under-19 Championship mixed-team event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Sunday, March 21, 2010.
In the women’s singles Renna Suwarno crushed
“Түс тас түмпэн шанага” гэх хөгжилтэй нэртэй анхны цомгоо гаргаад удаагүй байгаа Asian punk стилээр дуулдаг “L-Guards” хамтлагийнхан ирэх сарын 3-нд анхны бие даасан тоглолтоо хийхээр болжээ. Бяцхан биетэй “L хамгаалагчид” /L size-ын хамгаалагчид юм болов уу/ -ын “Түс тас
АНУ-ын “New York Times”-ийн мэдээлж байгаагаар энэ долоо хоногийн best seller болсон номоор Jodi Picoult-ийн “House Rules” шалгарчээ. Уг номондTeo болон Jacob гэдэг нэртэй хоёр хүүтэй ганц бие Emma гэх эмэгтэйн амьдралын талаар өгүүлэх аж. Түүний нөхөр гэр бүл болон
MP E.Bat-Uul talks about the political situation.
How are you spending your time during the Parliament break?
Our breaks do not mean the MPs are on vacation. Working groups meet regularly, and MPs visit their constituencies. I went to an international conference