Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Former Health Minister L.Gundalai answers questions on the political scene and the state of affairs in the Democratic Parrty.
How was the rotational election in Khuvsgul province?
There was a strong competition with nine people fighting for four seats. Happily they fought
Aluminum Corp of China (Chinalco) President Xiong Weiping has said his company hopes to participate in Oyu Tolgoi, the Mongolian copper-gold project being developed by Ivanhoe Mines.
“Since Chinalco is the largest non-ferrous metal company in China, and China has a
Khan Resources has sent an open letter to Z. Enkhbold to give its version of certain conclusions and recommendations recently made by the working group led by the MP. The company notes that the license it holds in the Dornod
Mongolia is among several countries that, for the first time this year, will join a global initiative to highlight climate change. Ulaanbaatar will be among the more than 1,100 cities and towns in some 100 countries to switch off their
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T.Altangerel, Director of the Policy Implementation Regulation Department at the Interior Ministry, sets the record straight on the Altan Dornod Mongol issue, answering media questions on the Russian-owned company’s case against the Mongolian Government demanding USD1 billion.
Is it true
More than 5,000 items of State property have so far been privatized through both open and closed tenders. Only a few big companies and organizations are left in State hands. Director of State Property Bureau L.Ganbat answers questions on the
The 65th case of HIV, registered in the National Infectious Disease Research Center last week, was the first in Mongolia where the virus had not been transmitted sexually. A woman of 25 from the countryside received the virus during pre-surgery