Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Large amounts of money go through the Government Fund every day as all financial transactions of some 5,000 budgeted organizations are recorded there. For example, on March 23, MNT 8.3 billion was put into the Fund and MNT9.6 billion spent
Minister of Environment and Tourism L. Gansukh Luimed, has told Deutsche Welle Mongolia hopes to benefit from German know-how when it comes to dealing with climate change. “We are currently developing our climate change adaptation strategy. Germany has a long
Clothes and other personal items that belonged to Itgelt lama are on show at Zanabazar Museum yesterday until April 7. Officials and visitors were surprised that the temperature in the hall, never allowed to exceed +7 C automatically rose to
Of the 212 3rd-5th grade students and seven teachers In Secondary School No.12 of Bulgan province of Khovd aimag who showed symptoms of food poisoning after the school lunch on March 19, 126 students and all the teachers were taken
The Philippine Embassy in Beijing has said that the Philippine Ambassador to China Francisco Benedicto handed over a check of US$20,000 to Mongolian Ambassador to China Tsedenjav Sukhbaatar at the Mongolian Embassy in Beijing. The amount represented the Philippine Government”s
The Constitutional Court yesterday ruled that Article 57.2 of Family Law disallowing citizens over 60 from adopting children violates the State Constitution which clearly says there can be no age-related discrimination.
Thus, citizens over 60 years of age will be free
Singapore sovereign wealth fund Temasek Holdings wants to increase its exposure to mining in Mongolia. “We have made investments there and we are fairly bullish about Mongolia,” said Nagi Hamiyeh, managing director of investments at Temasek, on the sidelines of
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The Mongolian Government decided at a Wednesday cabinet meeting to grant Japanese citizens visa-free entry for up to 30 days. The main purpose of the measure is to attract more Japanese tourists to Mongolia, said G. Zandanshatar, Mongolia”s Minister of
B.Delgermaa answers questions on politics today.
I want you to answer a question as a politician, not a DP member. Is the situation in both DP and MPRP indicating a fall in the standards of politics in Mongolia?
Only time will tell.