Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
The school cook and two others are likely to be charged with criminal negligence leading to the recent food poisoning at the Russian-Mongolian secondary school No.3 in Ulaanbaatar which led to the hospitalization of 236 students and several teachers. The
The suffering of local residents following the closure of the Baitag-Uliastai border post in Khovd is set to end with its likely reopening in April. Heavy snow had made all roads in the area impassable. The closure of the port
Some 400 delegates, including MPs, Government officials, ambassadors, and representatives of mining companies attended a conference on Friday jointly organized by the Ministry for Minerals and Energy, and the Mongolian National Mining Association. Several mining representatives had complaints about recent
An AFP report has placed the total economic losses stemming from the dzud in Mongolia at already over USD60 million. Nine human deaths have so far been reported — mainly herders who got lost in whiteouts while searching for wayward
Erdenet Mining Corporation produced 126,485 tons of copper concentrate last year, practically unchanged from the 126,796 tons produced in 2008. The company has said in a statement that it processed 25.9 million tons of ore in 2009, up slightly from
The Mineral Resources Authority has recently compiled laws, Parliamentary resolutions, Government decisions, legal documents and statements from Ministers and senior officials in the minerals sector, and published it under the title Laws in the Mineral Sector of Mongolia. D.Batkhuyag, Chairman
The Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency (FIFTA) will be organizing a discussion on the prospects and modalities of Mongolian enterprises being listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Hong Kong on April 12, jointly with Hong Kong Exchanges
Хойд америкийн үндэсний хоккейн лиг шинэ оны эхний өдөр Уинтер Классик буюу задгай цэнгэлдэхэд улирлын хамгийн топ гэсэн тоглолтыг хийдэг уламжлал тогтоод 3 дахь жилийнхээ нүүрийг үзэж байна. Энэ жилийн Уинтер Классик Массачусетс мужийн Бостон хотын Фенвей Парк цэнгэлдэхэд Бостон
Some 20,000 herders have joined in the carcass removal program. The Labor Ministry has so far distributed MNT241.6 million as payment to them. The Ministry of Agriculture has budgeted MNT290 million to meet sterilization and other expenses. The work is
A man called S.Enkhmend has been arrested for the rape and murder of a 23 year-old woman, identified only as E. According to police, E worked as a taxi driver in Orkhon province. On March 20, Enkhmend hired her taxi