News.MN - The source of news

FIFTA organizing meeting in Hong Kong on stock exchange listing

The Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency (FIFTA) will be organizing a discussion on the prospects and modalities of Mongolian enterprises being listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in Hong Kong on April 12, jointly with Hong Kong Exchanges

NHL Winter Classic 2011

Хойд америкийн үндэсний хоккейн лиг шинэ оны эхний өдөр Уинтер Классик буюу задгай цэнгэлдэхэд улирлын хамгийн топ гэсэн тоглолтыг хийдэг уламжлал тогтоод 3 дахь жилийнхээ нүүрийг үзэж байна. Энэ жилийн Уинтер Классик Массачусетс мужийн Бостон хотын Фенвей Парк цэнгэлдэхэд Бостон

3.8 mullion livestock carcasses to be removed by May 15

Some 20,000 herders have joined in the carcass removal program. The Labor Ministry has so far distributed MNT241.6 million as payment to them. The Ministry of Agriculture has budgeted MNT290 million to meet sterilization and other expenses. The work is

Man arrested for rape and murder of taxi driver

A man called S.Enkhmend has been arrested for the rape and murder of a 23 year-old woman, identified only as E. According to police, E worked as a taxi driver in Orkhon province. On March 20, Enkhmend hired her taxi

Chemicals likely to blame for Bulgan food poisoning

B.Delgermaa, chief officer of the Infectious Disease Outbreak Department of the General Emergency Authority, has indicated that the recent cases of food poisoning in Bulgan province’s secondary school No.1 could have been caused by chemicals. This is being considered likely

IJF chooses Kh.Tsagaanbaatar as global representative

The Mongolian Judo Association and Olympic bronze medalist Kh.Tsagaanbaatar have accepted the International Judo Federation offer to make the wrestler its ambassador. A formal agreement now has to be signed under which Tsagaanbaatar will represent the IJF and its sponsors

“Ticket to Hollywood” reality show

“Ticket to Hollywood” нь телевиз, продакшнуудын мэргэжлийн найруулагч нарын дунд зохиогдож буй entertainment реалити шоу юм. Уг шоуны зорилго нь найруулагчдын ур чадварыг дээшлүүлэх, задлах илүү нээн таниулах гэнэ. Найруулагч хүн нь хүнийг удирдан зохион байгуулах , аливаа зүйлд торгон

Mineral Council approves Oyutolgoi feasibility study

The Professional Mineral Council has accepted the reply given by Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia to its letter seeking clarification on certain provisions of the technical and economic feasibility study for the Oyutolgoi project. This clears the way for work to begin
