Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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хүмүүсдээ зориулаад тавилаа гэж . Тэгээд дүү нар цаашаа энэ тоголоом
бол ер нь тайлбар илүүц дээ . Та өөрөө татаж аваад л үз … Бүр хамгийн
их татагдсан Hentai
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Addressing a special Government meeting on Friday, Prime Minister S.Batbold listed among his principal achievements in the 155 days since assuming his present office, human resource development, approval of the budget, declaring 2010 as the year of business environment reforms,
The Government has decided to grant MNT1.5 million to every citizen of Mongolia, in two phases – in 2011 and 2012. MNT500,000 will be paid in cash, while the rest will be distributed as entitlement to retirement benefits and health
All MPRP MPs, including including the party Chairmanr S.Bayar, Secretary General U.Khurelsukh, and Prime Minister S.Batbold, attended the group’s meeting on Thursday. Batbold spoke on his plans for Tavantolgoi and on the Government’s thinking on the new railway route. He
More than 3,000 teachers of kindergartens, secondary schools and universities demonstrated yesterday at Sukhbaatar Square, demanding a doubling of their salary. If Parliament does not accede to the demand by April 9, the teachers announced they would go on strike.
A Mongolian team led by Minister for Education, Culture and Science Yo.Otgonbayar was in Beijing recently to hold talks on how to avoid conflicts in asking for UNESCO heritage status for cultural practices that are common to both countries. The
Judo wrestlers working in police organizations in five countries will come together in a tournament in Ulaanbaatar in May. Khuch sports center of General Police has sent its wrestlers to Suuj camp for training.
The wife of President Ts.Elbegdorj, Kh.Bolormaa, has established a foundation called Trust-Mongolia without Cancer. It will work for prevention of cancer, spreading awareness and information, encouraging early diagnosis, improving the quality of treatment, training oncologists, and for more attention to