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Icarus 2010 DVDRip

Шведийн модель, хvндийг єргєгч мєн жvжигчин, найруулагч зэрэг олон талын авьяастай Dolph Lundgren-ы найруулсан “Icarus” хэмээх онц сонирхолтой уран сайхны кино нь энэ онд АНУ, Канад зэрэг улсуудад нээлтээ хийсэн шинэ кино юм. Dolph Lundgren энэхvv киноныхоо гол дvр болох

Horror and Dark Art Wallpapers

Аймшгийн кинонд дуртай, хар бараан єнгє бvхий уран зураг, бvтээлvvдийг сонирходог хэрэглэгчиддээ зориулан Horror and Dark Art нэртэй ханын цаасуудын цуглуулгыг хvргэж байна. Тамын элч, аймшигт алиалагч, дэмон, гавал, зомби, vхдэл, шулмас буг чєтгєр гээд аймшгийн тєрєлд хамаарах бvхий л

Ts.Nyamdorj: Regular troops will protect the border in future

Minister for Internal Affairs Ts.Nyamdorj told the Standing Committee on Legislation on Monday that if money is available, the Government would prefer to hand over the job of border protection to regular soldiers, instead of to military trainees. The committee

No stones and sticks at march on April 5

Organizers of the people’s march on April 5 have announced that nobody should carry weapons such as stones or sticks. Calling for cooperation with the police to maintain peace, they urged a ban on alcohol sale on the day.

Distribution of MNT70,000 to begin on April 15

The second stage of the distribution of the Human Development Fund allowance will now begin on April 15, instead of on April 1 as earlier announced. D.Choijilsuren, Director of Social Care Department, has said the full list of citizens was

Railway issue waits for Parliament

The railway issue is to be discussed in Parliament in its Spring session.
Private entities were given three special licenses to build railroads. Energy Resource was given permission to build a narrow-gauge railroad from Tavantolgoi mine to Gashuunsukhait. The company

President orders more physical training

President Ts.Elbegdorj has issued an order to help spread physical training and sports among youth. The goal is to develop physical and mental stamina. Tests will be taken every April, the results assessed, and further actions planned.
The President has

Mongolian, Indian Defense Ministry officials meet

The third consultative meeting of Mongolian and Indian Defense Minis try officials was held in Ulaanbaatar on Monday. The Mongolian side included Director of Strategic Administration Planning Department Brig. Gen. D.Bayarsaikhan, Director of Foreign Cooperation Department Col. Ch.Yorooltsengel and others,

S.Bayartsogt: The criticism is uninformed and the critics are lying

Interview with Finance Minister MP S.Bayartsogt
More problems are arising over the Oyutolgoi contract. 12 MPs have asked the Speaker to stop its implementation. They say that Mongolian income will be lower because Ivanhoe Mines reduced the deposit’s reserve amount to
