The Standing Committee on Justice of the Parliament discussed the President’s veto at a meeting and voted to accept it with more than 90 percent of the members voting.
The Standing Committee on Justice of the Parliament discussed the President’s veto at a meeting and voted to accept it with more than 90 percent of the members voting.
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зориулсан “Digital Camera World” хэмээх сэтгvvлийн шинэ оны анхны
дугаарыг татаж авч унших боломжтойгоор хvргэж байна. Сар бvр хэвлэгдэн
гардаг энэхvv сэтгvvлд дижитал аппараттай холбоотой бvхий тєрлийн мэдээ
мэдээллvvд багтсан байдгийг дурдах нь илvvц бизээ.
Залуу жvжигчин Emma Watson-ы зургаар
сэтгvvлийнхээ нvvрийг чимсэн You сэтгvvлийн 2010 оны 1-р сарын
дугаарт бvсгvйчvvдийн моод загвар, гоо сайхны зєвлєгєє, мэдээлэл, эрvvл
мэнд, гоо сайхны бvтээгдэхvvнvvдийн талаар болон нvvр будалтыг хэрхэн
оновчтой, зєв хийх зєвлємж зэрэг залуу охид, бvсгvйчvvдэд
Esquire – March 2010 – эрчvvдэд зориулан хэвлэгдэн гардаг сар тутмын сэтгvvлийн 2010 оны 3-р сарын шинэ дугаарыг уншигч, хэрэглэгч та бvхэн хvлээн авна уу. Жvжигчин Leonardo DiCaprio-гийн зургаар сэтгvvлийнхээ нvvрийг чимсэн эрчvvдийн моод загвар болон стиль хэв маягийн талаар
Франц улсын H5 график, анимейшн
студи болон François Alaux, Hervé de Crécy, Ludovic Houplain нарын
хамтын бvтээл “Logorama” хэмээх богино хэмжээний нэгэн
сонирхолтой богино хэмжээний кино, анимейшнийг та бvхэнд зориулж байна.
Энэхvv анимейшний гол онцлог нь дэлхийн хvн тєрєлхтєний дунд
The National Development and Innovation Bureau sponsored a discussion yesterday on revising and updating the company administration codex introduced by the Financial Regulation Bureau on December 26, 2007. The Union of Employers had prepared draft amendments about a year ago.
Five of the six people in a Sonata-2 were killed on Tuesday when the car crashed into a bus in Nalaikh district, after skidding on the road during the heavy snowfall. Three of them died on the spot, one on
The mass sickness in a school of Bulgan province has now been traced to nitrite and lead in the cake served at lunch, and not to any bacteria. This information was given by D.Namsrai, vice director of General Emergency Authority.
Teachers at all institutions who are paid by the Government will organize a protest demonstration at Sukhbaatar Square on April 4 to press for a salary increase. Their main demand is for the implementation of the Government promise to raise
The Government’s approval of the feasibility study yesterday has come six days before the date scheduled for the agreement to take full effect. Minister for Nature, Environment and Tourism L.Gansukh, Minister for Finance S.Bayartsogt and Minister for Minerals and Energy
In a recently released report, SouthGobi Energy Resources has highlighted the following developments in the year ended December 31, 2009, and immediately thereafter.
Some 1,330,000 tons of coal were sold from the Ovoot Tolgoi mine.
An open-pit mine study independently prepared by