Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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The new railway project was presented to party groups in Parliament by the Government last Thursday. It proposes to establish a railroad from east to west, connecting Tavantolgoi-Sainshand-Choibalsan and ultimately leading to Northeast Asian countries. This is connected to processing
Executive Director of Oyutolgoi LLC Keith Marshall has signed an agreement with the Government and UB Mayor G.Munkhbayar to increase jobs. The company will hire 3,000 people from the six districts in Ulaanbaatar and spend MNT 12 billion each year
In his speech at the opening of the Spring session of Parliament on April 5, President Ts. Elbegdorj reminded MPs that Mongolia did have a revolution, but a lot still remains to be accomplished. As the people of Mongolia have
The MPRP administrative council on Friday decided to hold theMPRP conference on April 8. Party Secretary Ts.Sukhbaatar told media that among the issues likely to be discussed are fulfillment of election campaign promises, intra-party discipline. The conference will also decide
Minister for Finance S.Bayartsagt was presented a check for USD 50 million by Oyutolgoi LLC’s Executive Director Keith Marshall on Friday after the investment contract had taken full effect. The money is part of USD 250 million advance payment.
The Mongolian Embassy in Tokyo recently held a press conference to announce and explain the decision to allow Japanese citizens to travel to Mongolia for 30 days without a visa. Ambassador R.Jigjid said the aim of the move was to