The Standing Committee on Justice of the Parliament discussed the President’s veto at a meeting and voted to accept it with more than 90 percent of the members voting.
The Standing Committee on Justice of the Parliament discussed the President’s veto at a meeting and voted to accept it with more than 90 percent of the members voting.
My dear fellow citizens,
Mr. Chairman of the State Great Khural,
Mr. Prime Minister,
Honorable Members of the State Great Khural,
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Every opening of regular sessions of the State Great Khural creates certain expectations in our
Globe International will hold an international conference on “Empowering rural business through quality information and ICT – Central Asia and Mongolia” in Ulaanbaatar from April 27 to 29. Paris-based Internews Europe is assisting with the arrangements while financial support will
Golomt Bank, Khan Bank, Trade and Development Bank, and Xac Bank recently signed finance agreements with the Asian Development Bank aimed at providing needed financing to local companies involved in foreign trade. “Greater access to trade finance will help Mongolia”s
Kiu Hung Energy Holdings, formerly known as Kiu Hung International Holdings, intends to acquire a 19.99% stake in First Dean Holding, a coal firm based in Mongolia, for HKD1.4 billion. The Hong Kong-listed firm will pay HKD3.58 million in cash
Red Hill Energy Inc. and its proposed merger partner, Prophecy Resource Corp., have provided an update on activities under way to expedite production from the 20-million-ton Ulaan Ovoo thermal coal project in northern Mongolia, 100% owned by Red Hill. A
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