Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
За ёстой ойрд үнэхээр иймэрхүү жанрын дуунууд нийтэлсэнгүй. Тиймээс
гэмээ цайруулаад өнөөдөрхөн гарсан цоо шинэ электро хаус хөгжмийн
цоморлигийг хүргэж байна. Уг цомог маань нийт хорин нэгэн дуунаас
бүрдэж байгаа юм. Ер нь бол электро хаус хөгжим сонирхон сонсдог цоглог
залууст маань таалагдах байх
Энэхүү цомог нилээн хэдэн жилийн настай бөгөөд миний хувьд лав их
таалагддаг Producer-ээр ерөнхийдөө Wu-tang Clan -аас RZA, Inspectah
Deck Darkim Be Allah, Mathematics, The Blaquesmiths, R. Brown, Remedy,
мөн DJ Devastator ажилласан . Priority Records-той гэрээгээр хамтран
ажиллаж 1998 онд гаргасан билээ. Цомгийг
Two people died and two more were injured in an welding explosion in Kharkhorin bazaar around 2 p.m. on Monday. According to S.Ganbalt, division director of Emergency group-105, one of the welders died on the spot and the other in
The sudden rise in temperature has caused flooding in in Uliastai soum in Zavkhan province. A state of emergency has been announced in the province after water entered several homes.
The Governor’s office, the emergency department, police and other organizations
Both Kh.Tsagaanbaatar and S.Miyaragchaa are likely to skip the national judo championship on April 10 and 11 at the Central Sport Palace because of injury. Tsagaanbaatar fractured his right elbow during training last week, while Miyaragchaa’s knee tendons are troubling
The Standing Committee on Legislation has rejected the Constitutional Court’s opinion that Article 57.2 of the Family Law, restricting citizens above 60 from adopting children, was a violation of the State Constitution. A member of the Court explained the rationale
Ivanhoe Mines is looking at various options to fund its development of the Oyu Tolgoi project, but will not sell a stake in the project itself, Executive Chairman Robert Friedland has said. Speaking at a special session on Mongolia at
Tyson McAdoo зурсан галзуу хүүхнүүд. Эротик өнгө аястай зурагнууд шүү.Үргэлжлэл
The State Ballet and Opera Theatre recently produced Lambugain Nulims (Monk’s Tears), considered to be the first Mongolian opera to earn international recognition. Placed in the 1930s, the opera, first directed by L.Erdenebulgan in May 1986, describes the love of
First Deputy Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag answers questions on a wide range of subjects.
Let’s begin with Government decision of last week. The MNT 1.5 million will be given in three years. How?
The decision was finalized last week after being discussed many