Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
SFX – June 2010
– Британийн шинжлэх ухаан танин мэдэхvй, уран зєгнєлт сэдвvvдээр
голчлон нийтэлдэг SFX сэтгvvлийн 2010 оны 6-р сарын шинэ дугаарыг уншигч
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Америкийн тєгєлдєр хуурч, soul
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хугацаа: 19:57, 19:27 minSub: HorribleSubs [HS]Үргэлжлэл
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зорчих тасалбар” шоуны хоёрдугаар шатны шалгаруулалт гарна. Тэд
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The demands of the protesting citizens have not been conceded. Replying to their charter addressed to the Parliament Speaker on Monday, Director of the Standing Committee on Government Organization U.Enkhtuvshin, Director of the Standing Committee on Security and Foreign Policy
Prime Minister S.Batbold has been chosen the new chairman of the MPRP. The incumbent head and former Prime Minister, S.Bayar, told delegates to the party conference before the meeting began on Thursday morning that he wanted to resign and proposed
The man who early on Wednesday morning crashed his car against a protesters’ ger put up in Sukhbaatar Square, saying he wanted to kill G.Uyanga, a leader of the protest movement, is mentally ill and was released from a mental
With both people at the place killed in the explosion in Kharkhorin market police are finding it difficult to reconstruct the sequence of events. There are unconfirmed reports that a bullet was found in the welding shop. Police have denied
A 27-year-old man died in Baganuur mine last Saturday, leaving behind a pregnant wife. The cause of the accident is not yet clear.
The man was sent to hospital soon after 3 p.m. When his wife came to see him, he
Minister Ch.Khurelbaatar, who is also head of the Government Office, yesterday submitted to the Government a report on the conclusions reached by a working group established jointly by his Office and the Anti-Corruption Authority on prevention of corruption. All Government