Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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President Ts.Elbegdorj called a meeting with Parliament Speaker D.Demberel, MPRP group leader D.Lundeejantsan, deputy leader of DP group in Parliament L.Gantumur and head of Parliament’s Standing Committee on Government Organization U.Enkhtuvshin to express his views on the hunger strikers from
A working group consisting of senior and influential MPs like D.Lundeejantsan, Ch.Saikhanbileg, Z.Enkhbold, D.Oyunkhorol, D.Arvin, Su.Batbold, E.Bat-Uul, S.Lambaa, D.Odkhuu, D.Odbayar, S.Oyun and J.Sukhbaatar last Friday submitted a draft law on elections to Parliament to Speaker D.Demberel. Proposing to retain the
The change of leadership has not settled the internal fights in the MPRP. As the conference ended, some senior leaders announced the formation of a new group to work for “protecting the party’s valuable tradition”. The members say they are
Herders’ indebtedness has reached MNT60 billion. The Government is expected to announce measures that will protect their assets, given as collateral to the bank loans, from being seized. It has already met officials of the central bank on the issue.
President Ts.Elbegdorj has expressed his grief at the death of Polish President Lech Kaczynski, his wife, and other Polish leaders in the plane crash in Russia. He offered deep condolences on behalf of the people of Mongolia, and on his
Prime Minister S.Batbold led the Mongolian delegation at the annual three-day BFA Conference at the island resort of Boao. The theme this year was Green Recovery: Asia’s Realistic Choice for Sustainable Growth. Several Asian countries, including China and India, have
D. Dorligjav, Head of the President’s Office, has told media on his return from a recent week-long visit to Japan that he had discussed with the appropriate authorities there the possibility of setting up a small nuclear power plant to