Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
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Most of the economic sectors showed positive results, indicating Mongolia is getting past the financial and economic crisis.
Domestic entities do 47.7% of construction and installation
Construction and installation work worth MNT 8.4 billion was carried out in the first
A team representing the citizens of Khongor soum in Darkhan-Uul province and the head of Mongolian National Green Movement, A.Saruul, yesterday accused the Government of concealing the fact that toxic chemicals such as cyanide were found in the soil of
The latest data from February show that exports are rebounding strongly, buoyed by high copper prices andstrong demand from China, Mongolia’s largest trading partner. Imports are also rebounding, reflecting the improvement in the domestic economy. Foreign exchange reserves are close
At the Government’s urging, several major development organizations, including the World Bank and GTZ, the development arm of the German Government, joined by Mongolian institutions, including micro-finance lender Xac Bank, have launched a project to improve ger stove designs, in
Following a request from MongolBank, the World Bank Mongolia recently arranged for three world class banking and financial sector restructuring and reform experts to visit Mongolia to suggest ways of surmounting the difficulties in the country’s financial and banking sectors.The
The School of Geology and Oil at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. So far some 2,000 people have graduated from here and they have been responsible for almost all mineral exploration
The Mongolian Government will make a presentation at the UN Human Right Council on November 23 about the human rights situation in the country. NGOs will make a separate presentation. It is quite likely that the two will show two