E.Amartuvshin, People’s Artist of Mongolia and World’s best operatic baritone, will start his first tour of 2025 from the famous Italian theater “La Scala” and will perform the opera “Power of fortune”.
E.Amartuvshin, People’s Artist of Mongolia and World’s best operatic baritone, will start his first tour of 2025 from the famous Italian theater “La Scala” and will perform the opera “Power of fortune”.
Six years after his “Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World” ignited a global reappraisal of the Mongolian empire and its positive contributions Dr. Jack Weatherford has published a masterful sequel, “The Secret History of the Mongol Queens:
A subsidiary of Leighton Holdings Ltd has signed a USD940-million contract adjustment to increase production at a coal mine in southern Mongolia. Leighton Asia signed the contract adjustment, which will pave the way for increased production at the Ukhaa Khudag
The Italian delegation on Monday’s Mongolian-Italian economic forum was led by Adolfo Urso, Deputy Minister for International Trade. The forum was attended by over 100 representatives including the chairman of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, S.Demberel, and
An open discussion organized by The General Union of Civil Movements to “define oligarchs” ended by naming former President N.Enkhbayar, PM S.Batbold, MP Ts.Munkh-Orgil and Ch.Ulaan, as the present-day oligarchs in Mongolia. MPs L.Gundalai and G.Bayarsaikhan attended the meeting.
The MPRP group in Parliament on Monday decided to support the Government’s proposal to raise salaries and pensions in two stages, on July 1 and on October 1 this year, its head, D.Lundeejantsan, told media. The MPs also discussed various
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