This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
The Government yesterday approved the first stage of the anti-desertification program. Minister for Nature, Environment and Tourism L.Gansukh was asked to prepare the implementation schedule and Minister for Finance S.Bayartsogt, L.Gansukh, and other related officials were asked to include the
The distribution of MNT70,000 to all above 18 years of age has started today. UB citizens with proper documents can claim the money a week after receiving their account book. Soum residents have to wait for 14 days. The money
1983 оны 10-р
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За энгээд анхны мэдээ гээ хийлээ.
Энэ soft таны дэлгэцийг яаг энэ зураг шиг болгон. Байнга ордог хэрэтгэй
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my computer гээл бөөн лай болж ордог. Харин энэ програм
Following several incidents of food poisoning, the Government has asked schools not to serve milk and other dairy products and some other easily perishable products to students. At present MNT 400 is budgeted for the lunch of a single student.
The meeting of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights, scheduled for yesterday, could not be held because there was no quorum, leading to speculation that MPs are not very willing to talk about the July 1 incidents. The head of the
Police have reminded bike riders that they must wear proper safety helmets before hitting the road as the weather warms up. They have also been asked not to drive motorcycles that make too much noise and do not have legible
Railway workers are demanding a 15 percent wage raise by May 1. The Director of the Labor Union of Mongolian Railway, Kh.Erdene and 20 of his colleagues told a press conference on Tuesday that more than half of the 16,000