Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Judith Eaton, President of the U.S. Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) served as a keynote speaker at an “International Accreditation Seminar on Higher Education,” earlier this month in Ulaanbaatar. Organizers for the two-day seminar included the Ministry of Education,
Mongolia will develop its biggest untapped uranium field in a venture with Russia after revoking Khan Resources Inc.’s permit to exploit the Dornod resource. Its state-owned MonAtom will hold at least 51 percent in a venture with Russia’s government-run ARMZ
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About 30 Chinese businessmen from Erlian city joined their Mongolian counterparts at a meeting. They will now head for Russia to meet businessmen there.
Jao Lung said his Hao Gang Company has cooperated with Mongolian and Russian partners for 17 years.
The repair work on the roof of the Metropolitan Second Maternity House has finished. The work was checked and approved by the State commission last week and the hospital is expected to return to the old building today. A working
The Government yesterday approved the first stage of the anti-desertification program. Minister for Nature, Environment and Tourism L.Gansukh was asked to prepare the implementation schedule and Minister for Finance S.Bayartsogt, L.Gansukh, and other related officials were asked to include the
The distribution of MNT70,000 to all above 18 years of age has started today. UB citizens with proper documents can claim the money a week after receiving their account book. Soum residents have to wait for 14 days. The money
1983 оны 10-р
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