News.MN - The source of news

Hopu buys share of company carrying Mongolian coal

Hopu Investment Management Co., along with two Chinese firms, has signed a USD110-million deal to buy a 20% stake in Winsway Coking Coal, in another venture into Mongolia by the Chinese private-equity firm founded by top China dealmaker Fang Fenglei.

Gulfside files writ in Sukhbaatar district court

Gulfside Minerals Ltd. has filed a writ in the Sukhbaatar District Court, seeking to rescind the transfer of shares of ECM LLC, the company holding the Erdenetsogt exploration license to Mangreat Group Ltd., a British Virgin Islands company. The basis

Drilling to begin at Chandgana Khavatgal

Red Hill Energy and Prophecy Resource Corp. have announced the award of a contract to commence a ten-drill hole, 2,200-metre resource expansion drilling program in early May, 2010 at its Chandgana Khavtgai Coal Project located in the Nyalga Coal Basin

Ivanhoe will have 6 directors, Erdenes 3 on Oyu Tolgoi LLC Board

Ivanhoe Mines has listed some noteworthy provisions of the approved investment agreement and shareholders’ agreement that have now come into full effect.
• Mongolia’s state-owned company, Erdenes, will acquire a 34% interest in the Oyu Tolgoi Project within 14 days of

Seminar discusses accreditation in higher education

Judith Eaton, President of the U.S. Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) served as a keynote speaker at an “International Accreditation Seminar on Higher Education,” earlier this month in Ulaanbaatar. Organizers for the two-day seminar included the Ministry of Education,

Mongolia to develop untapped uranium field With Russia

Mongolia will develop its biggest untapped uranium field in a venture with Russia after revoking Khan Resources Inc.’s permit to exploit the Dornod resource. Its state-owned  MonAtom will hold at least 51 percent in a venture with Russia’s government-run ARMZ

Devin the Dude – Suite #420 2010

Америкийн хип хоп
хєгжмийн нэгэн тєрєл southern hip hop (southern rap ч гэж нэрлэгддэг)
урсгалын уран бvтээлvvдээрээ хип хоп хєгжмийн тvvхэнд єєрийн зам мєрийг
vлдээж яваа Devin Copeland буюу Devin the Dude хэмээх урлагийн
нэрээрээ алдаршсан хип хоп уран бvтээлчийн

i3uuve1 – Mixtape Vol.1 & 2

Underground хип хоп
стилээр єєрийн уран бvтээлvvдийг хийдэг рэппер i3uuve1-гийн “Thank You” хэмээх дууны видео клипийг ємнєх
мэдээллээрээ хэрэглэгчиддээ хvргэж байсан билээ. Харин энэ удаад тэрээр
єєрийн хvч хєдєлмєрийг хангалттай шингээж сонсогчдод чанартай сайн уран
бvтээлvvдийг хvргэхээр єєрийн 26 Track-ыг

Erlian businessmen gather in Mongolia

About 30 Chinese businessmen from Erlian city joined their Mongolian counterparts at a meeting. They will now head for Russia to meet businessmen there.
Jao Lung said his Hao Gang Company has cooperated with Mongolian and Russian partners for 17 years.

Second maternity house returns to own building

The repair work on the roof of the Metropolitan Second Maternity House has finished. The work was checked and approved by the State commission last week and the hospital is expected to return to the old building today. A working
