The Standing Committee on Justice of the Parliament discussed the President’s veto at a meeting and voted to accept it with more than 90 percent of the members voting.
The Standing Committee on Justice of the Parliament discussed the President’s veto at a meeting and voted to accept it with more than 90 percent of the members voting.
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The hunger strike of people demanding a referendum has entered its sixth day. The General Coordinator of the protest movement, G.Uyanga, answers questions.
How many are on hunger strike? How is the health condition of the elders?
The hunger strike began with
The Standing Committee on Nature, Environment, Food and Agriculture yesterday approved the draft National Water Program. Mongolia’s water sources are threatened. They are in remote areas and there is no proper technology or management practices to use them optimally.
Half the population of Mongolia is concentrated in the capital and migration to urban areas, especially Ulaanbaatar, shows no signs of decreasing. Soil and air pollution is rapidly increasing to a hazardous level and the city is now facing water
Prime Minister S. Batbold told senior officials of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China that Mongolia is interested in utilizing Hong Kong”s experience in banking and security markets. SAR GovernorDonald Tsang, replied that they were “ready to