News.MN - The source of news

Loss of livestock is MNT360 billion

A special Government meeting on Friday adopted a comprehensive plan on improving conditions in the animal husbandry sector hit by natural disaster, and also approved a temporary measure to provide animals to herders who are left with no livestock.

President decrees Tree Planting Days

President Ts. Elbegdorj has issued a decree designating the Saturdays in the second complete weeks in May and October as National Tree Planting Days. He has called upon individuals, households, government and non-government organizations and business entities to come together

PM wants less bureaucratism, more transparency

Prime Minister S.Batbold has said people need to be convinced that the Government and other authorities are serious about eradicating corruption and that “our words are not empty rhetoric”. He was speaking at a seminar on methods of implementing an

Herders miss the old days

In a country where livestock outnumber people by an order of 16 to one, animal welfare is no small matter, says a report in The Economist. In Mongolia this year the animals are not faring well at all, and the

Ser-Od Bat-Ochir to fearture in Brighton marathon

Mongolia’s Ser-Od Bat-Ochir, and Joseph Mbithi Mutunga of Kenya lead the entries for a race in Brighton, England which is threatening to become the second biggest marathon in only its second year. Former Brighton-based hero and Olympic gold medalist Steve to hold event highlighting Mongolia

Park University in Kansa, USA, will highlight the music, arts, history and food of Mongolia at its annual Cultural Sharing event on April 23.
“The annual Cultural Sharing event creates the opportunity to celebrate the colorful cultures of our world and

Ivanhoe to announce OT development plan

An independent development plan for the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine in Mongolia is slated to be announced after a shareholder meeting in May, Ivanhoe Mines Executive Chairman Robert Friedland has said. Ivanhoe is now looking at “a number of interesting

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Pre Release Portable

Та бүхэндээ прогам хангамж үйлдвэрлэгч мангас гэж хэлж
болох Adobe компаниас гаргадаг Алдарт Photoshop прогамын шинэхэн
хувилбар болох Adobe Photoshop CS5-г хүргэж байгаадаа
баяртай байна. Энэхүү хувилбар нь Pre Release Portable бөгөөд
ажиллагааны хувьд бүрэн ажиллаж байгаа. PS CS5-ийн хувьд

Round 6 (2010) HD 720p

Round 6 хэмээх анимэйшн төрлийн уран
бүтээлийг хүргэж байна. Сонирхолтой, адал явдалтай, хийцийн хувьд ч
гэсэн гоё бүтээл байна шүү татаж авч үзээрэй.Нэр: Round 6Найруулагч: Dave
LevyЖанр: Богино хэмжээний анимэйшнҮргэлжлэх
хугацаа: 00:03:19Хэмжээ: 51 MBВидео:
1280х720, 25fps, H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, 2000kbps, 0.087bit/pixelАудио:

The Horse Boy 2009 DVDRip

The Horse Boy Энэхүү киног саяхан
зурагтаар үзээд та бүхэнд хүргэхээр шийдлээ, үзээгүй хүмүүс эсвэл тахиж
үзэх хүсэлтэй хүмүүст зориулж байна. Морьтон хүү хэмээх энэхүү баримт
кинонд Isaacson-ны гэр бүл болоод
түүний хүүгийн бодит амьралын талаар үзүүлэх бөгөөд алс холын
