News.MN - The source of news

International railway meeting begins

The 25th meeting of the Railway Cooperation Organization began yesterday in Ulaanbaatar, bringing together senior officials of railways in the 26 member countries. The previous such meeting in Mongolia was in 1992. Domestic issues are not discussed in this meeting.

Survey reveals health problems among children

A survey by Food Alliance has found that one out of every eight children under 5 years is malnourished, one out of every four has stunted growth, and 43.2 percent of the total lack Vitamin D. Also, one out of

Berlin flight still canceled

MIAT flights to and from Berlin remain canceled following the closure of European sky to all air traffic because of the ash from the volcanic eruption in Iceland. Passengers may cancel their tickets if they want to. The company has

Deputy Speaker attends funeral ceremony in Poland

Deputy Speaker of Parliament N.Enkhbold represented Mongolia at the funeral ceremony on April 18 for Polish President Lech Kaczynski and others killed in a plane crash on April 10.
Enkhbold lit a candle at the service and offered the deepest condolences

MPs talk with hunger strikers

The hunger striking protesters of civil movements and an MPs’ group talked for over four hours yesterday. The discussions covered ten issues. Both sides agreed that these have to be discussed by Parliament and the Government, as also by the

Date Night 2010 TS

Нэр: Date nightХэмжээ:
700mbЧанар: TelesyncҮргэлжлэх хугацаа:
1цаг 22минутТөрөл: Инээдмийн | Романтик | Онц
сонирхолтойНайруулагч: Shawn LevyЖүжигчид:
Steve Carell, Tina Fey, Mark Wahlberg, Taraji P. Henson, Jimmi Simpson,
William FichtnerҮргэлжлэл

Nelly Furtado – Mi Plan

Канадын алдарт дуучин бүсгүй Нэли
Фүртадог мэдэхгүй
хүн ховор байх аа. I’m like a bird дуугаараа дэлхийд танигдсанаасаа хойш
хамгийн сүүлд 2006 онд “Loose” нэртэй цомгоо гаргаж дэлхий даяар нийт 7
сая гаруй хувь борлуулж чадсан шаггүй уран бүтээлч. Тэрхүү

Adobe Photoshop CS5

 Adobe Photoshop CS5 программ маань ийм байвал мөн гоё оо. Энэ
зураг их сонирхолтой санагдаад та нарт сонирхуулж байна.
Мөн сонирхуулахад АНУ-д 12-ны өдөр буюу дэлхийн
анхны элч Ю.Гагарин сансарт ниссэн
өдөр. Гэхдээ дэлхийн анхны сансрын орос элчийн нэрийг

The tooth fairy DVDRip

Үзэх заавар нь:видео дээр
байгаа рекламыг (x)лэж play video дээр дарна уу!!!Бичлэг гарч ирэхгүй
бас ямар нэгэн алдаатай байгаа бол коммэнт үлдээгээрэй. Жич:бичлэгийн
гацах гацахгүй нь таны интернэтний хурдаас хамаарах болно!!!Үргэлжлэл
