E.Amartuvshin, People’s Artist of Mongolia and World’s best operatic baritone, will start his first tour of 2025 from the famous Italian theater “La Scala” and will perform the opera “Power of fortune”.
E.Amartuvshin, People’s Artist of Mongolia and World’s best operatic baritone, will start his first tour of 2025 from the famous Italian theater “La Scala” and will perform the opera “Power of fortune”.
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Three MPs give their comment on indications that the Government has chosen 2 or 3 out of the 11 foreign companies interested in Tavantolgoi to work as the operator company.
Batj.Batbayar: I agree that foreign investment is needed as a huge
Representatives of the civil movements that are organizing the present protest against the Government told a press conference yesterday that they have formed a nine-member temporary council. Six of the members are from the provinces while three are from Ulaanbaatar.
The National Development and Innovation Committee has developed general policy directives for Mongolia for 2011. The human development index now standing at 0.731 is planned to be raised to 0.758 by next year. Norway tops the index with 0.971. Russia’s
Mining at Boroo Gold’s mine at Zuun Kharaa is expected to be over in about six months unless the company is allowed by the Minerals and Energy Ministry to extract gold from sand. The company has succeeded in producing 1.2
Khan Resources CEO Martin Quick has said the company plans to ask a Mongolian court to overturn a decision by the country”s Nuclear Energy Agency to invalidate mining and exploration licenses held by the company”s subsidiaries with effect from October