Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Mongolian Prime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene is paying a work visit to the People’s Republic of China.
Russian Ambassador V.V.Samoilenko recently held a ceremony at the Russian Embassy to award commemorative medals to several Mongolians who served with the Soviet army in World War II, known here as the Great Patriotic War, that ended 65 years ago.
A Business and Biodiversity Offsets Program (BBOP) delegation is on a visit Mongolia from April 26 through May 3 at the invitation of the Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is organizing the visit which
All Khan Bank international Visa card holders as of May 5 this year will be entitled to participate in a special draw and the 10 winners will be offered free trips to South Africa for the FIFA World Cup and
The Italian company Loro Piana, known for some of the world’s finest luxury cashmere, has opened a subsidiary in Ulaanbaatar, both to establish long-term relationships with nomadic herdsmen and to monitor quality control. This has been accompanied by the publication
Khan Resources Inc. has said the Mongolian Nuclear Energy Agency”s (NEA) move to invalidate the mining license of its units would not affect its buyout, and that it has challenged the decision in court. Earlier this year, the Canadian explorer
Both D. Sharavdorj and B. Gundavaa are on 2 points after three rounds at the ongoing Asian Individual Chess Championships in Subic in The Philippines.
Three players, one from the host nation, one from China, and an Indonesian are in the
Kenneth San Andres, the Philippines’ top rider, likes his chances while Kh. Erdenebileg, the top gun from Mongolia, tried to downplay his. “I like it here. I like the track and I like the crowd,” said the 20-year-old San Andres,
Mongolia and South Korea on April 24, 2010 signed a cooperation agreement to build a waste recycling plant in Ulaanbaatar. The implementing parties are the Ulaanbaatar municipal administration and the Korea International Cooperation Agency.
The plant, to be completed in 2011
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