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Kaspersky KIS KAV Keys NEW 2010-04-27

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болох Анти Вирус программыг хамгийн сайн, баталгаатай ажиллагаатай бид
байлгахыг хvсдэг. Ихэнхи хэрэглэгчдийн маань ашигладаг Kaspersky
AntiVirus программын ажиллагааны амин чухал зvйл бол мэдээжийн хэрэг
License Key байдаг бєгєєд

Video copilot New AE Shatter tutorial

Video copilot
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чанартай хичээл сургалтуудыг хvргэдэг. Ємнєх мэдээллээрээ


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феминизмын давалгаа нь эмэгтэй хүн

No new mining license applications

It is not clear how long the suspension of all activities related to mining licenses will last. The Presidential Office has said the legal environment must first be clear. The National Security Council also believes a new law on licenses

Japanese official meets Foreign Minister

On April 26, 2010 he met State Secretary at the Foreign Ministry, D.Tsogtbaatar, and then Minister for Foreign Affairs G.Zandanshatar.
Both meetings discussed ways to strengthen bilateral ties and stressed the need to improve economic cooperation.
Japanese citizens can now

Mongolian woman arrested in China for carrying drugs

A Mongolian woman going from Hong Kong to Urumch city of Shinjiang was arrested when police found large amounts of narcotics in her bag, according to a report from the Mongolian Embassy in Beijing to the Mongolian Foreign Ministry. The

Plane with Chinese team to talks fails to land

Mongolia-China talks on cooperation in the mining and energy sectors scheduled for April 26 could not be held as the plane carrying the Chinese team could not land in Ulaanbaatar because of bad weather and had to return to Beijing.

MPRP group prefers L.Bold’s draft election law

The MPRP group of MPs yesterday agreed to discuss in Parliament the draft election law developed by MPs such as L.Bold, according to its head, D.Lundeejantsan. The draft proposes a system of proportional representation.
It was felt this draft is better

Concerns on how salary increases will affect the economy

Tripartite negotiations on raising salaries and pensions are continuing, with Minister for Social Security and Labor T.Gandhi representing the Government, S.Ganbaatar the Confederation of Mongolian Labor Unions of which he is President, and L.Nyamsambuu the Union of Employers.
The Labor

MPs say police should be allowed to use air guns

During discussion of a draft law on the police organization, members of the Standing Committee on Legislation said police must work more transparently to earn people’s trust. There was a demand to have the Ministry of Internal Affairs appoint the
