News.MN - The source of news

Boroo Gold paid MNT 190 billion in tax

Mining at Boroo Gold’s mine at Zuun Kharaa is expected to be over in about six months unless the company is allowed by the Minerals and Energy Ministry to extract gold from sand. The company has succeeded in producing 1.2

Khan Resources CEO sees politics behind revoking of Dornod license

Khan Resources CEO Martin Quick has said the company plans to ask a Mongolian court to overturn a decision by the country”s Nuclear Energy Agency to invalidate mining and exploration licenses held by the company”s subsidiaries with effect from October

Hearing on July 1 events postponed again

The public hearing on events relating to the July 1 incidents has once again been postponed. It was listed in Parliament’s business on April 21 but Speaker D.Demberel announced the postponement because the State Prosecutor General did not agree to

Tripartite talks on teachers’ and doctors’ salaries begin

Tripartite talks have begun on revising the salaries of teachers and hospital staff including doctors. The Mongolian Labor Union demands a 50% raise over the present in 2010 and a rise of another 10 percent next year. The Ministry for

PM’s visit to Boao meeting and Hong Kong termed a success

The Prime Minister”s foreign policy advisor O.Och has briefed media on the recent visit of  S.Batbold to the 2010 Annual Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan province in China, and then to Hong Kong. Terming the visit a success, Och

Mac Life – April-May 2010

Сар тутам хэвлэгдэн
гардаг АНУ-ын сэтгvvл болох Mac Life нь цаг vеийн Mac хэрэглэгчдэд
зориулсан тэргvvлэгч сэтгvvлvvдийн нэг юм. Анх 2007 оны 2-р сараас эхлэн
хэвлэгдэн гарч уншигчдын гарт хvрсээр ирсэн тус сэтгvvл мэдээллийнхээ
цар хvрээг єдгєє Apple технологийг хэрэглэгчдэд

The Black Eyed Peas – Imma Be Rocking That

Black Eyed Peas хамтлагын нэгэн гоё клипыг чанар сайтайгаартатаж
үзэхээр хүргэж байна. Гоё болсон байна лээ шүү.Үргэлжлэл
