News.MN - The source of news

Mongolians in Shanghai Expo-2010

Mongolia is
participating in the International Expo of Shanghai which will run from May 1
to October 31. The theme of the Expo is Beautiful
City and Good Life and the Mongolian
pavilion is called Gobi and City.

On display are paleontological findings in the

Elbegdorj, Wen Jiabao stress economic cooperation

President Ts. Elbegdorj’s talks with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Beijing focused on greater
economic and trade cooperation between the neighboring countries. Premier Wen said,
“We should sign economic and trade agreements to lay a solid legal basis
for bilateral cooperation,” especially on

Wheat seed from State reserve to be sold

The Government will sell 3,110 tons of wheat seed from the State reserve
to agriculture companies and individual farmers this year for MNT 560,000 per
ton. This year’s sowing target is 270,000 hectares, and 43,200 tons of wheat
seed will be needed.

Mongolia to host next year’s Science Council of Asia meeting

11th annual conference of the Science Council of Asia (SCA) will be held in Ulaanbaatar in 2011, to
focus on ecological issues, particularly the reduction of desertification and
sand movements, it was revealed after Deputy Prime Minister M. Enkhbold held
talks with visiting

Consumers demand scrutiny on cashmere production

Mongolian herders whose cashmere production is
prey to price fluctuations, often attributed to manipulation by Chinese
traders, may now fall under closer scrutiny from end-users, cashmere producers
in the West, says a report in The Financial Times. “There is too little
knowledge about the

Indian diplomat stabbed

Indian diplomat R.L. Negi sustained
severe injuries when he was attacked by two unknown assailants at around 9.45
on April 18. He was returning home from his morning walk. The two hit him on
the head and shouted, “Go back to your own

South Gobi Sands to finish work on paved road soon

D.Bat-Erdene, Public Relations Manager at South Gobi Sands LLC, answers
questions on the mining sector.

When will your
company make paved roads?

Work on paved roads is 50 percent finished and should be over by August.
Many accidents happen when transporting coal, sometimes

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction 2010

Алдарт Splinter Cell тоглоомын 6-аар анги болох олон гамерүүдийн хүсэн
хүлээж байсан Conviction анги нь 4 сарын 29-өөс Windows PC дээр
худалдаанд гарч эхлэх билээ. Харин та бүхэндээ Server Emulator (v0.44)-г
ашиглан PC дээрээ тоглох боломжийг олгож байна. Татах өргөн

Mortal kombat 4 + Cheats

Мортал Комбат 4-ийг булхиануудын заавруудынх нь хамтаар орууллаа.
Булихануудыг нь видеогоор үзэх болохоор илүү ойлгомжтой болов уу.
Тоглоомын хэмжээ нь ердөө 12 МБ.Үргэлжлэл
