Mongolia has adopted four constitutions in its history.
Mongolia has adopted four constitutions in its history.
The Standing Committee on Social Policy, Education, Culture and Science yesterday discussed draft amendments to the Medicine and Medical Equipment Law. The draft proposes withdrawal of local requirements on medicinal products already approved internationally. This will ease bureaucratic delays and
Two Mongolian men have been detained by Chinese police after two snow leopard pelts were seized from their jeep in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Customs police searched the jeep for more than 10 hours, as it had more than
The Fraser Institute”s annual survey reveals miners and explorers still believe Mongolia is a nightmare. It is seen as “suffering from endless tinkering with mining laws and regulations, resource-nationalism, creeping expropriation, and non-transparency”.
The Institute’s annual survey of mining companies, published
The State Property Committee (SPC) has reconstituted the executive board. The new Directors are: Ch.Gankhuyag, CEO of Tenger Financial Cooperative, B.Bold, CEO of Newcom, Z.Shagdarsuren, General Secretary of the Association of Banks, N.Tsogt, an international lawyer, and three officials from
The 20-year-old Kenneth San Andres, who started racing when he was 12, won his last three races and crowned himself king of the first Evelio Javier International Motocross Championship in Valderrama in the Philippines on Sunday. San Andres was all
Өвөр Монголын SK-CHILL гэдэг дуучин Өвөр Монголын тухай
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Genre: Action | Adventure | Drama | Mystery | ThrillerDirector
CreditSkav One DirectorProduction Credits CreditJoel Silver
ProducerAkiva Goldsman ProducerSarah Aubrey ProducerKerry
Foster Producer Үргэлжлэл
Та өөртөө
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Тиймээс нэгэн програмыг хүргэж