Mongolia has adopted four constitutions in its history.
Mongolia has adopted four constitutions in its history.
хүнд ямар ч эрэгтэй хүнийг дурлуулах нь маш амархан байдаг гэвэл итгэх
үү? Гэвч өөрийн чинь хүссэн биш хүн, бас бусад хүмүүс энэ үед тан руу
хандрах эрсдэл байж болохын!!! Эрэгтэй хүнийг өөртөө дурлуулах
хамгийн сайн арга бол түүнийг
Эрчүүд найз охиндоо анхны эр хүн нь
байхыг хүсдэг Эмэгтэй хүн нь найз залуугийнхаа сүүлчийн эмэгтэй
байхыг хүсдэг Эр хүн найз охиноо найзийнхаа охинтой зүйрлэж харна Эмэгтэй
нь залуугаа аавтайгаа зүйрлэж харна Эр хүн мартаж чадсан ч
өршөөхгүй гэдэг Эмэгтэй
хэмжээсээр бүтээгдсэн 4 дэх анги 5-р сарын 21 нд нээлтээ хийнэ энэ анги
дээр гуталт муур их таргалсан байна лээ шүүү бүр гутал нь хүртэл
таарахгүй байна лээээ жоохон ярьж өгвөл щрекийн амьдралаас нэг өдрийг
өөрчилж цаг хугацааг урагшлуулан
MPs who favor a narrow-gauge railroad, Minister for Road, Transportation,
Construction and Urban Development Kh. Battulga has said the only option before
landlocked Mongolia
to link its economy with that of the world is to get an access to the
Trans-Siberian Railway. That uses
in deel, singing a long song, welcomed President Ts.Elbegdorj as he visited the
Mongolian pavilion at the Shanghai Expo on Saturday. Continuing with tradition,
they gave him milk in a silver bowl.
main items on display at the Mongolian pavilion are cashmere
end of the final stage of the Ho Chi Minh City Television Cycling Cup saw Mongolia”s
Tuukhaigai taking the race yellow jersey for the best overall time. Mongolia also
won the team event.
race, which is Vietnam”s
longest, attracted 84 local and foreign contestants,
The Japanese Government has donated 200 beds to three hospitals in Ulaanbaatar. Patients at
the district hospitals at Bayangol and Chingeltei, and at the Trauma Center
will now be placed in beds that allow them more comfortable movement.
The cost of the
Chinese and Mongolian Ministers signed several agreements on bilateral
cooperation in Shanghai
on Saturday as President Ts.Elbegdorj looked on. Foreign Minister
G.Zandanshatar and China”s
Minister of Commerce Chen Deming inked an economic and technical cooperation
agreement on a Chinese grant worth CNY40 million. This was
South Korea”s leading steelmaker POSCO has said it will produce coked coal and also gasify coal in
It has said it has
signed a preliminary agreement
with the Mongolian Government for coke production and coal gasification
and help develop its steel industry. The company