Mongolia has adopted four constitutions in its history.
Mongolia has adopted four constitutions in its history.
The Asian Development
Bank (ADB) Board of Directors has approved a USD15-million grant to help
improve urban infrastructure and services in the mining and border towns in Southeast Gobi. The grant will directly benefit about
100,000 people in six towns of Omnogovi and
Chairman of the
National Development and Innovation Committee Ch. Khashchuluun feels that
prices having risen 20% since 2008, the wage increase was inevitable but he has
tressed the need for steps to see that a 30% rise does not lead to inflation.
The ultimate
Khan Bank has been named the best
commercial bank in the country in 2009. This is the sixth time the bank has
featured among the best 5 banks annually chosen jointly by the Government and
the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, after
Members of the Anti-Corruption Group in
Parliament briefed media on the open hearing planned for May 12 by the Standing
Committee on Legislation. The head of the committee, B.Bat-Erdene, and MPs
Kh.Temuujin and J.Sukhbaatar said that a working group has been established to
Parliament has approved the proposal to establish
a copper smelter in Mongolia,
so that the country can export value added products instead of raw natural
resources. But there are risks, as a mineral expert, MP Kh.Narankhuu, explains
in answer to questions.
problems do you foresee?
Members of Anti-Corruption Group in the
Parliament gave information about the open hearing which will be held on 12th
of May organized by Standing Committee on Legislation. The information was given
by head of the standing committee B.Bat-Erdene, MPs Kh.Temuujin and
A working
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