A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
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President Ts.Elbegdorj has received a letter
from the Dalai Lama expressing his happiness that a moratorium on the death
sentence has been declared in Mongolia.
The letter from the spiritual leader said he had for many years been writing to
world leaders to stop
Mongolian Green Party, the National Green Movement and the Green Coalition from
Mongolia were among the 150
organizations from the region and the European Union which attended the recent
second conference of Green networks in the Asia-Pacific region in Taipei. Its main purpose
Former Prime Minister S.Bayar, Minister of
Mineral Resources and Energy D.Zorigt, Chairman of the State Property Committee
B.Sugar, Chairman of the Mineral Authority B.Erdenebileg, Director of MIAT
R.Bat-Erdene, and Bayangol district Governor L.Amgalan are among those who have
been sent notice by the Standing
Parliament has begun discussing the revised
budget for 2010 submitted by the Government. Increased global copper prices
have earned more for the State while the decision to raise public servants’
salaries by 30 percent will mean more expenses. The revised income is MNT2.79
The Government has decided to remove R.Ganjuur
from his position of head of the Energy Regulatory Authority (ERA) for unsatisfactory
performance. This follows a report from the Minister of Mineral Resources and
Energy blaming Ganjuur and all other members of the ERA Coordinators”
criticism that the coalition government’s only success has been its decision to
allocate MNT1.5 million to each citizen, Minister of Roads, Transport, and
Urban Construction Kh. Battulga has said the government has actually adopted a
long-term and visionary development policy. Some 100,000 apartments
Head of the Mining and Heavy Industry Department at the Ministry of Mineral
Resources and Energy, has told The Mongolian Mining Journal he supported
demands for a new mining law as the present one is more about licensing and
exploration of specific deposits