News.MN - The source of news

Mongolia to decide soon on uranium JV with Russia

The Government of Mongolia
could soon decide on establishing a joint venture with Russia to
develop a Mongolian uranium deposit, the head of the Russian civilian nuclear
power corporation, Rosatom, said on Tuesday. At a meeting with Russian Prime
Minister Vladimir Putin in the

Cash Minerals to buy uranium properties in Mongolia

Minerals Ltd has entered into a Heads of Agreement with East Asia Minerals
Corporation to purchase a 100% interest in EAM Exploration LLC, a wholly owned
subsidiary of East Asia that owns a portfolio of very prospective uranium
properties in Mongolia.

project portfolio includes

More border posts to work 24 hours a day

Government has decided that after Gashuunsukhait and Shiveekhuren, more border
checkpoints will be kept open for trade movement 24 hours a day. Burgastai will
follow the schedule from July 1, and Bulgan from 2011.

Investors, diplomats explore situation in southern provinces

than 450 participants attended the “Southern (Gobi)
Region: Investors’ Forum-2010” in Dalanzadgad in Umnugobi province on April 21,
organized jointly by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and FIFTA. They
included companies like Newcom, MSM, MICC, Oyu Tolgoi, Southgobi sands, and
Khan Bank;

“Discover Mongolia” on September 8-10

This year’s “Discover Mongolia”, the important and
popular annual international investors’ forum, will be held on September 8 to
10, according to the Mongolian National Mining Association. The association has
also announced that it, along with the World Bank, Oyu Tolgoi LLC, and

Farm Frenzy 1 Gogoshare

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Саяхан цоо шинээр гарсан The Farm хэмээх Simulator төрлийн тоглоомын
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нэмэлт ажилчид аван тэд нарыгаа цалинжуулж болно. Их

Hamsterball Gogoshare

Hamsterball нэртэй хэмжээ багатай маш хөөрхөн тоглоомыг хүргэж байна.
Таны Mouse дээр ажиллах хурд, авхаалж самбааг чинь сорино. 10 МБ.Үргэлжлэл

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