A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
Амьтны аймгийн
бvхий л тєрєл зvйл нэгэн агаараар амьсгалж, усаар ундаалж байгалиас
заяасан онцлогтоо тохирсон хоол идшийг идэж, vр удмаа vлдээж амьдардаг
бєгєєд “Амьтан” гэдэгт хvнийг хамааруулдаггvй боловч, биологийн нэр
томъёоны хувьд Амьтны аймгийн бvх тєрєл, зvйл багтах учир Хvн
Electronic dance
хєгжмийн нэгэн хэлбэр болох Techno стиль нь 1980-аад оны дундуур анх
vvсч хєгжсєєр єдгєє дотроо Minimal techno, acid techno, aggrotech,
hardcore techno гэсэн тєрлvvд болон хуваагдаж электрон хєгжим
сонирхогчдын сонсох дуртай бас нэгэн томоохон тєрлийн нэг болжээ. Энэхvv
АНУ-ын дуу хєгжмийн
Чаартыг тэргvvлж байгаа хамтлаг дуучдын Топ 40 Синглийн шинэхэн багцыг
та бvхэндээ хvргэж байна. Ємнє нь хэрэглэгчиддээ 2010 оны 2-р сарын
сvvлийн байдлаарх жагсаалтыг хvргэж байсан бол харин энэ удаад 2010 оны
5-р сарын 3-ны байдлаарх цоо
2001 онд гаргасан
Америкийн рэппер Jay-Z-гийн “The Blueprint” нэртэй тvvний зургаа дахь
студийн цомгийнх нь 12 дахь Track болон орсон, рэппер Eminem-тэй хамтран
дуулсан “Renegades” буюу “Урвагчид” хэмээх дууных нь нэрээр нэрлэгдсэн
нэгэн сонирхолтой цомгийг сонсогч хэрэглэгчиддээ хvргэж байна. Уг
companies who want to participate in the exploration of the Tavantolgoi coal
deposit have formed a consortium called Mongol-999. The name was chosen as the
organizers though they would have around 1,000 members, but almost 1,600
companies have so far expressed their interest
returning from Russia
President Ts.Elbegdorj on Monday accepted the resignation of M.Altankhuyag as
Prosecutor General and asked his present Deputy, B.Tserenbaltav, to take charge
until a new appointment is made.
new National Advisory Committee of the Democratic Party discussed on Friday the
election law drafted and presented by Defense Minister L.Bold. Earlier, D.Erdenebat,
the party Secretary General, suggested the assignment of NAC members to the
eight policy councils of the party. These are
Ts.Elbegdorj was among the world leaders invited to watch Sunday’s parade in Moscow on the 65th
anniversary of victory in World War II. After the parade he joined them in
laying flowers at the Monument for the Anonymous Soldier in Alexandrovskii Park.
who applied for their allowance in December 2009, before it was canceled with
effect from January 1, 2010, will receive their dues if Parliament approves the
revised budget. It has already gone through a first reading, receiving general
support, and the relevant standing
A review in
The National Post has given the film “Babies” 2.5 stars, calling it “these are
babies from a baby”s-eye point of view”.
The film uses no subtitles for its
three non-English-speaking families, but what would such a flourish add?
Parental strictures sound pretty