Mongolia has adopted four constitutions in its history.
Mongolia has adopted four constitutions in its history.
Та чат эсвэл мессэнжерт ороод хэн нэгэнтэй
чатлаж суух зуураа энэ цаг мєчєє улам илvv хєгжилтэй, зугаатай
байлгахыг хvсч байна уу? Харилцан ярилцаж суугаа хvн тань гахайн
хоншоор, зааны хошуутай болоод эсвэл асар том буржгар хар vс, далбагар
хvрээтэй малгай,
Harry Potter and the
Philosopher”s Stone, Mrs. Doubtfire, Home Alone зэрэг кинонуудаараа
алдаршсан америкийн кино найруулагч Chris Columbus-ын найруулсан “Percy
Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief” хэмээх уран зєгнєлт,
адал явдалт киног та бvхэнд хvргэж байгаадаа баяртай байна. Зохиолч
Вектор график нь
геометрийн vндсэн тэмдэг, зураас мєр, муруй болон хэлбэр дvрс, олон
єнцєгт зэргээс гадна математикийн зарим нэг тэгшитгэл, тэнцэтгэл зэрэг
дээр суурилагдаж зургаар дvрслэгдэн vзvvлсэн компьютерийн євєрмєц график
юм. Сvvлийн vед маш эрчимтэйгээр хєгжиж буй Вектор графикийг
Энэ оны 4-р сарын
16-ны єдєр ОХУ-ын нийслэл Москва хотноо нэгэн гайхалтай vйл явдал болсон
нь Герман улсад зохион байгуулагддаг хамгийн урт настай, хамгийн
алдартай электоник хєгжмийн фестивалиудын нэг болох Mayday парад байлаа.
Германы I-motion, Оросын Rosdance компаниуд хамтран Москвагийн
An MPs’ working group set up
by the Speaker decided on Wednesday by 84.4 percent votes that the State policy
on railway transportation should be discussed by Parliament. The draft sees the railway as serving processing
and manufacturing plants to be built in
The State
Property Committee decided on Wednesday that the Mongolian
directors on the Board of Oyu Tolgoi LLC would be Former President N.
Bagabandi, Advisor to the President P. Tsagaan, and Executive Director of
Xas Bank Ch.Ganbold.
The Government meeting yesterday recommended
the revocation of the license of Enjunmen, a company that mines fluorspar in
Airag soum of Dornogobi aimag. Two weeks ago a Mongolian citizen was run over
by a car at the mine site after scuffles between mine
State Prosecutor General
M.Altankhuyag has submitted his letter of resignation on health reasons. This
was not unexpected as the reputation of Mongolian law enforcing organizations
suffered in the aftermath of the July 1 incidents and ever since he assumed
office, President Elbegdorj has been
French Ambassador Jean Paul Dumont, who had served here in
1971-1974 as attache to the very first Ambassador of his country to Mongolia, says
bilateral relations have changed radically in both intent and contents from the
time diplomatic relations were established in 1966.
A solid waste
recycling plant will be ready in a suburb of Ulaanbaatar next year with the Korea
International Cooperation Agency bearing the cost of USD3.5 million. The plant
will sort, recycle and burn household waste to generate power.
project is part of