News.MN - The source of news

Government recommends revoking Enjunmen’s license

The Government meeting yesterday recommended
the revocation of the license of Enjunmen, a company that mines fluorspar in
Airag soum of Dornogobi aimag. Two weeks ago a Mongolian citizen was run over
by a car at the mine site after scuffles between mine

Prosecutor General resigns

State Prosecutor General
M.Altankhuyag has submitted his letter of resignation on health reasons. This
was not unexpected as the reputation of Mongolian law enforcing organizations
suffered in the aftermath of the July 1 incidents and ever since he assumed
office, President Elbegdorj has been

French ambassador confident bilateral ties will keep growing stronger

French Ambassador Jean Paul Dumont, who had served here in
1971-1974 as attache to the very first Ambassador of his country to Mongolia, says
bilateral relations have changed radically in both intent and contents from the
time diplomatic relations were established in 1966.

South Korea to help build garbage recycling plant

A solid waste
recycling plant will be ready in a suburb of Ulaanbaatar next year with the Korea
International Cooperation Agency bearing the cost of USD3.5 million. The plant
will sort, recycle and burn household waste to generate power. 

project is part of

China to bring power to Tianjin from Mongolia

With the economic
recovery and insufficient domestic production, China is greatly raising fuel
import for 2010. Oil, coal and gas net import is expected to increase by near
10 percent, over 50 percent and more than twofold. Less noticed but more
stunning, China is

U.S. Archaeological Institute offers a virtual trip to Mongolia today

The Archaeological Institute of America — Worcester
Society’s popular Travels In Archaeology Series ventures further afield this
year with a virtual trip to Mongolia.
“Mongolia: Cultural Heritage
at Risk” will be presented at 7 p.m. today at Worcester Art Museum.

With its blend of Shamanist

World Bank Economic Update for March warns about rising expenditure

In the first quarter of 2010, the trend
improvement in the fiscal deficit stalled as the positive impact of improving
revenues was offset by expanding expenditures. If expenditures were to continue
to rise in step with mining-related revenues, Mongolia risks returning to the

Specnaz 2 2010ENG RS+HF+NL

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