A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
A total of 11 forest fires were recorded in Dornod, Khentii, Sukhbaatar and Arkhangai provinces.
Одоо энэ төрлийн
тоглоомыг залуус их тоглох болжээ. Залуус гэлтгүй аав, ээж нар минь
хүртэл тоглож байгаа. Амархан тэгээд ч сонирхолтой энэ тоглоомыг зав
зайгаарай тоглоод суухаар дажгүй тоглоом. Шинэхэн гарсан хувилбарын
Yдшийн мэнд! Залуус
аа! Єдрийн их ажлынхаа алжаалыг тайлан амрах зуураа компьютерынхоо
дэлгэцийн ард тухлан суугаад сонин содон мэдээ мэдээлэл, зураг сэлтээр
нvд сэтгэлээ баясган суугаа та бvхэнд зориулан нэгэн хєгжилтэй, богино
хэмжээний animation-ыг сонирхуулж байна. “Down to Earth” хэмээх
Єнєє цагийн гайхамшиг болон vлдсэн тvvх
дурсгалт дэлхийн долоон гайхамшгийг мэдэхгvй хvн ховор. Энэхvv ер бусын
байгууламжуудыг барьж байгуулах их ажилд орчин цагийн техник технологийн
хvч чадлыг огтхон ч ашиглаагvй, дан хvний гараар бvтсэн гэдгээрээ
гайхалтай юм. Тэгвэл олон олон
Rodman & Renshaw, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Rodman & Renshaw Capital Group, has signed a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) with the Mineral Resources Authority of Mongolia (MRAM) for
the creation of a partnership to aid the development of Mongolia’s
mining sector. Rodman and
Minister S.Batbold has assured Mongolian companies that the Government would
encourage their participation in the Tavantolgoi project. Over 1,550
companies have come together to form Mongolia
999+” and yesterday the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry
presented him their business plan to work
Democratic Party group of Parliament on Monday decided to press for
reinstatement of the child allowance as it discussed the revised budget for 2010.
It set up a working group to suggest ways of how this could be done.
the suggestions at
an evening over the weekend to celebrate the 45th anniversary of
establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and France, The Opera
and Ballet Theater resonated to Frenchman Robert Ressiko conducting Maurice
Ravel’s Bolero, the music all the more appealing as the lights had
The long-term
agreement signed last year between Energy Resources Ltd. and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology
covers 6 projects in conducting research and training, and creating employment.
Resources” scholarships will be awarded to 30 students every year. According to
B. Damdinsuren, Rector
ING Groep NV
has appointed Howard Lambert its head of corporate and investment banking for Mongolia,
possibly the first major bank to create such a post in the country. Lambert,
currently head of Asia Structured Credit Trading in Singapore,
will be moving to Ulaanbaatar