This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
This state visit is part of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Czech Republic.
The Government yesterday approved draft proposals on
selecting a management team to restructure the operating procedures of the
Mongolian Stock Exchange (MSE). They have been forwarded to the State Property
Committee for beginning the tender process of selection.
The bidders have to be a
The Government has set up a committee
to oversee the development of the Sainshand industrial complex under the
leadership of Prime Minister S.Batbold and First Deputy Prime Minister N.Altankhuyag.
Its other members will be MPs, government officials, representatives of NGOs, province
governors, and academic
United Nations agencies and
partner humanitarian organizations on Wednesday requested more than USD 18
million to assist nearly 800,000 people in Mongolia who are suffering from the
combined effects of a long, severe winter and a preceding harsh summer drought.
The dzud – a
Some technology companies from countries like South Korea and China
have started to open offices in Mongolia,
focusing on software development rather than hardware production, and the
telecommunication and Internet market represents a small but growing sector in
the country. Government initiatives, like the
A program begun last year is expected to help reform the
business environment in a significant way. It is being jointly devised and
implemented by the Ministry of Justice and Internal Affairs, the Mongolian
National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the German
A Mongolian team will be
participating in a polo tournament to be held at Leh in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir this July.
This was revealed when the Mongolian ambassador to India, Voroshilov Enkhbold, and the
Governor of Uvs province, Ts.
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Та бүхэндээ сүүлийн үед нилээд амжилтанд
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